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My rescue team


Rescue Team Candy-Pop (I had too much sugar when I named it... ;_; )

Bulbasaur, level 19
Leech Seed
Vine Whip

Charmander, level 17
Metal Claw

;munchlax; Sunyanma ;355;
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Even though you haven't beat the story and therefore don't have many recruitment and evolution options, I can still see some improvements that can be made. Bulbasaur should have Razor Leaf instead of Vine Whip and Secret Power instead of Tackle. Poison Powder is not that good either; I'd have Sleep Powder instead

Charmander has a worthwhile moveset, not much you can improve there until you beat the story, evolve to Charizard, and "relearn" Heat Wave. Though you should level up Charmander as quick as possible and have it learn Flamethrower


Watching You
Flamethrower is a must have for Charmander.


Even though you haven't beat the story and therefore don't have many recruitment and evolution options, I can still see some improvements that can be made. Bulbasaur should have Razor Leaf instead of Vine Whip and Secret Power instead of Tackle. Poison Powder is not that good either; I'd have Sleep Powder instead

Charmander has a worthwhile moveset, not much you can improve there until you beat the story, evolve to Charizard, and "relearn" Heat Wave. Though you should level up Charmander as quick as possible and have it learn Flamethrower

Thanks! :D I'll keep your comments in Notepad as reference. ^.^ I have others in my rescue team, but I'm being exiled right now. :D

;328; Sunyanma ;165;