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My Scratch Sprites (don't they suck?)



Well here are my scratch sprites. I know that from what I have seen from other members here that mine suck. But I am showing you guys anyways.

so what do you guys think?
Is those your first ones cause it o.k



Theyre really good for first Try...

For the Pidgey, it looks a bit, well... Flat at some places and the shadings off, for the meowths you really need to work on the Eyes and tails, thats the main thing.


The Pidgey's wings looks odd (especially the left one), different outline colors were used for each of the Meowths and their tails vary in thickness, but besides that, those are good!


Thankyou, I will try and work on the Meowths and upgrade the pidgey. Right now I am working on an Umbreon so, once it is finished I will post it and then I will work on those sprites.


Sorry to make a double post but I finished Umbreon. I am actually very fond of it. Here it is:

And here are some more I did:

More scratch sprites to come later.


<-I like udon
RocketMeowth said:
Well here are my scratch sprites. I know that from what I have seen from other members here that mine suck. But I am showing you guys anyways.

so what do you guys think?
VERY good. In your last post is also good, you know. But Growlithe just seems to be in an odd position. O_O;
OffTopic: RocketMeowth, have I known you? Your name rings a bell. >>


maybe, I have joined many forums so it is a high possibility we have met before.

I have some more sprites. Well, the same one re-colored twice but he looks better now!

I taught myself how to cell shade. I also made him an adorable Shadow Meowth!!
