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My shocing(ly good) sprite recolors. Feel free to use.


God of Fusions
Hi guys I just amde a few revamps and decided to post them here. Feel free to use. I love comments and advice too!

The ones I made are on the bottom of the picture.


Oddish plzkthnxbai
You need to get rid of the black outlines, and make your own shading (Or improve it if you already have)

ø®ΑпGЗ ♠

Well-Known Member
I like the Wigglytuff, but you messed up a bit on the eye. On Cyndaquil, you missed a spot on the nose. On Gligar, you missed a spot near the left eye. etc. Insted of checker shading, add a shade in between the two colours.
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God of Fusions
.:Ixel:. said:
You need to get rid of the black outlines, and make your own shading (Or improve it if you already have)

i'll see to it.

shadow ralts said:
I like the Wigglytuff, but you messed up a bit on the eye. On Cyndaquil, you missed a spot on the nose. On Gligar, you missed a spot near the left eye. etc. Insted of checker shading, add a shade in between the two colours.

Yup, I coul'dnt get the eye right. wow, your observant! :)


Staff member
Like Ilex said, fix the outlines. Also, try not to use checker-shading. If you look in the Advance sprites, they use little to none on it. Also, add some more shadin to it, especially on the Espeon.