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My sprites =D

  • Thread starter Unknown Shadower
  • Start date

Unknown Shadower

Well i'm not very good at spriting, but heres a try at it


I call it Torlts


Blech. You didn't outline it at all. In fact, you just shaved off Torchic's crest and attached it to ralts, then did a poor recolour. One part doesn't even connect. >.< Seriously, at least TRY to make an effort.


Better then you
(turns head and vomits) Terrible,just simply terrible. Try it again. And shade it better,then you should give it a better outline.


Normal Coordinator
Kinda harsh Zapdos Breeder, seeing as you aren't a great spriter...no offense. Basically, work on blending parts together, and work on shading/outlining.


It's kinda simple, and there's no shading. If you need help with spriting, just PM me :)


Yes I use MS paint
PenguinGengar said:
It's kinda simple, and there's no shading. If you need help with spriting, just PM me :)
Or read a tutorial


Better then you
Electabuzz said:
Kinda harsh Zapdos Breeder, seeing as you aren't a great spriter...no offense. Basically, work on blending parts together, and work on shading/outlining.
I know I'm not good but I'm getting better.Sorry for sounding so harsh though,just re-do it and it might look better.

Unknown Shadower

I know, I suck, I did this for no particular reason, I was bored.

It was a 3 minute thing OF COURSE I didn't try


Just me
Unknown Shadower said:
I know, I suck, I did this for no particular reason, I was bored.

It was a 3 minute thing OF COURSE I didn't try
The thing is that you shouldn't make three-minute things. Put some effort into it if you're going to show it in public.


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
take your time, put effort on it, and keep working.
@ZB: yeah so you act like an idiot, then just say sorry and it's like it never happened? really man, think twice before acting so stupidly, speciallyif you're not a good exemple of what you're talking about.


Better then you
castiboy said:
take your time, put effort on it, and keep working.
@ZB: yeah so you act like an idiot, then just say sorry and it's like it never happened? really man, think twice before acting so stupidly, speciallyif you're not a good exemple of what you're talking about.
You are right I am an idiot. I just like to talk alot.