Yeah just jumping to the sprites;
Dragonite/Charizard [body edit, tail edit, head edit, wing edit]
Overshaded cleanup of a Kaburaisu
Sequal to my Ponyta/Latias sprite. A Rapidash/Latios mix.
In progress Ponyta/Pidgeotto splice. I JUST LOVE D/P WINGS >_> well atleast for some, gives a much wider selection now.
Overshaded Espeon
Overshaded Umbreon
Pink/Blue Charizard using Kyogre's normal and shiny colors
D/P version
In progress GSC to D/P revamp, getting stuck on the hand [and yes know it's not a real 'revamp']




Dragonite/Charizard [body edit, tail edit, head edit, wing edit]

Overshaded cleanup of a Kaburaisu

Sequal to my Ponyta/Latias sprite. A Rapidash/Latios mix.

In progress Ponyta/Pidgeotto splice. I JUST LOVE D/P WINGS >_> well atleast for some, gives a much wider selection now.

Overshaded Espeon

Overshaded Umbreon

Pink/Blue Charizard using Kyogre's normal and shiny colors

D/P version

In progress GSC to D/P revamp, getting stuck on the hand [and yes know it's not a real 'revamp']