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My Sprites :mostly Splices, but will include revamps and recolors:

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Yeah just jumping to the sprites;








Dragonite/Charizard [body edit, tail edit, head edit, wing edit]


Overshaded cleanup of a Kaburaisu


Sequal to my Ponyta/Latias sprite. A Rapidash/Latios mix.


In progress Ponyta/Pidgeotto splice. I JUST LOVE D/P WINGS >_> well atleast for some, gives a much wider selection now.


Overshaded Espeon


Overshaded Umbreon


Pink/Blue Charizard using Kyogre's normal and shiny colors


D/P version


In progress GSC to D/P revamp, getting stuck on the hand [and yes know it's not a real 'revamp']

kuro mizu

.//SPPF's Emo Ninja+
make the rapidash/latios mix's colors corresponding. you have blue and then all of a sudden its grey. you should either make the blue extend to the body, or vice versa w/ the grey. OR you could make an outline that shows where the blue stops and where the grey starts.

others are average, though charmander dratini is uber kawaii ^.^

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
I like how the Rapidos looks though

Newest sprite:



It wasn't untill AFTER I saved, AFTER I did the arms and AFTER I uploaded the sprite. That I noticed the arms were off .. by a bunch. >> but meh happy with everything else.

*stabs arms*
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Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
... well Dragonite is fat so what >>


Was thinking up an idea for THE MOST CLICHE IDEA FOR STARTERS EVER for a fic and well, these were formed. An armless mew/waterpkmn splice. A tailless firepkmn/mew splice (the fire IS a tail just not a 'real tail') and a tailess 'legless' mermaid esque grasspkmn/mew splice.

I'm not sure how, but the wings are quite off.

Think it's cause same wing - different coloring/shading.
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Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
The shading could use less contrast,and the water starter has an odd speck of dark shade on the Suicune thing.

I like overshading tho :p it's fun when I can get it right. And the speck I bet is near where it meets the horns. Kinda got cunfuzzled there when recoloring, as it was black against black.

ø®ΑпGЗ ♠

Well-Known Member
When you overshade, you add lighter and darker shades, correct?

Speaking of overshades, you Espeon has too many shades. I would have to zoom in to count them. I would be okay with you keeping it overshaded, just get rid of a few unecessisary ones. Also, it's hind knee is too wide.
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Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Hm, if I remember right I only had 8 shades for the Espeon, think same with the Umbreon. Or was Umby 6. Forget. And the Espy is a pixel over, the only thing scratched there is the background leg that I now realise, is too large and needs to be slimmed/shorter. Meaning the hind leg was fat from the pic I found.

Overshades is usually using more than 5 colors. Look at a Corsola sprite, it has 5 or so shades of pink. While I've seen Ditto with only two.

Overshading is kinda;

1234567. 1 is the lightest, nearest to white if you want shine like I did with Espeon, and umbreon slightly, though it's more a sleek shine not bright shine.

Pillow shading I think is what one of the mews evolved too slightly, so it could be what's setting off the 'this isn't right' detector it's usually 7654321234567. 1 being in the center and the other colors radiating out.

I've seen a few, they look funky o_O I made one once too. It was funky to do too.

ø®ΑпGЗ ♠

Well-Known Member
When I overshade, I just add colours in between, as opposed to making new colours. I tend to not have my colours too close to white or black, unless it is supposed to be light or dark in general. I already know what pillowshading is, what made you say that.
lolz blanket shading + pillowshading = bed shading :p

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
I love your overshaded Pokemon's, especially the Espeon! :D

The Dragonite/Charizard mix appears a little strange to me, the kneck seems very thin, IMO it could do with being thickened up.

I really can't think of much to C&C about, its nice to see one of the best Fan fic reviews posting their sprites :)

Frosted Heavens

Crystallized Wind
I didn't know you where also into spriting(at least I know now)
overshading is my favorite kind of spriting, just like reelements, and I must say those are great, especially the DP dragon thingie*struggles to find name of it, but finally found it*Kaburaisu
can't think for anything to crit on, but I'm not a spriter so I don't really know if I mae you improve

can't wait to see more^-^

Electric soul Fairy

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Well here is the more everyone wants it seems;




2 hours to do, but so fun. Considering 'revamping' my little heavily edited Charizard sprite into a revamped flygon. Cause, I really like the pose.

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member

The Flygon, revamped, edited, and spliced with some DP parts- wings, arms and the tail bit at the end. Tail was scratched, back edited, both feet scratched, some other minor editing and yeah.


I like it, it's cute in a horrible sort of way XD

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
I love the Flygon, it just looks perfect.

The weird thing below it is just scary! The head doesn't seem to be in good proportion with the body and the shell seems too small. Although, its cute in a scary, psychotic way :)

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
It's Naetero, or whatever the D/P grass starter is called, devamped, completely scratched. As it was easier to do than a Trapinch :x as that's what it was supposed to be originally.

ø®ΑпGЗ ♠

Well-Known Member
Flygon's tail looks odd, I think it might be it's position, as maybe it's because the tail is bent oddly. The Naetle is missing it's nostrils also.


Well-Known Member
wow! i really like the rayquaza with tropius and something else, and the charmander/dratini, and then the charizard with kyogres colors those r my favs

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Flygon's tail looks odd, I think it might be it's position, as maybe it's because the tail is bent oddly. The Naetle is missing it's nostrils also.

hey I think I did pretty good with the tail. The first attempt was very wtf, was half finished with the outline when I realised- wait, it looks like it's tail has been cut in half. So I used a D/P sprite as a semi guide.

And just realised now- Naetle isn't the only one missing a nostril XD