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My sprites of doom

Here are my freakish sprites! xP


I personally like the Shuckle/Sneasel one, which I've named Shneasel. ^^

I've also had a go at recolouring a Pokemon Yellow sprite. ^_^;

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W0000t ! That dark Chansey is really doomed ! Good job keep going ! =D
Mwahaha, the chansey stole Kangaskhan's baby >3

I've recently made a few new sprites ^^


A combination of Typhlosion, Meganium, Feraligatr and Steelix which is undeniably freaky. o-o;

A demon Larvitar >3


Azuowl. I could have done better with this one. -_-
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Sorry to update an old thread and to double post, but I've had a go at animating a sprite and was wondering what you guys thought of it. It's kinda simple as it's my first animation though. o-o If you have any tips for animating sprites then please share them. xP



I Love Them,
1. I Feel honoured to Have Made A TC For You:p
2. Can You Rate The Sprites In My sig, I Just Made them


Well-Known Member
Sorry to come down at ya like this, but most of them are nothing special. They are just drag and place. BUT, the torchic kicked butt. Really good on that one. The Rayquaza/Altaria was also nice. The Treecko one was nice too.
Tip: You should try to add more shading to the parts you attach, so it looks like its really from that pokemon.


Normal Coordinator
oh come on upsy-daisy...just because you like c-spriting so much, doesn't mean you have to knock up here so much. In fact, there is less noobishness here then before.
upsy-daisy said:
Mann this site is getting to Noobish
and you know what? You've just shot back to the position of UBER N00B by spamming while you should know better : D

but to get back to the spriting, You have potential to become a good spriter,
but allot of them are bad, like really bad =| like Castform/Masquerian and that Spoink thing. Try to let the parts join smoothly, and try adding custom parts.

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
oO; I think that Chansey near the bottom wants to eat my head. I like how original/odd your mixes are like the mutant Doduo and the flaming slowpoke of death. XP I like the Steelix mix and that Drowtwo is just plain freaky oO;

*Hides in closet from the Chansey.*



I like most of the sprites, especially the Yellow recolour. However, some of the combinations don't look right, such as a Skitty head and tail on a Golem. Your shading was right on most of them, but I didn't see any perspective in the Slowpoke revamp.
Meh. Sorry to double post yet again, but here's my first attempt at an evolution! Er, anyone know how to get rid of those little black boxes that appear when it gets to the Swampert? o-o

Eevee Master

Naro region champion
I made my own sprite but I need to know how to post it. Could someone tell me how to do it and I did'nt made it on image shack?
You have to make the sprite in an art program like MS Paint first, and then upload it to Image Shack.

Here's one of my best sprites so far (well, in my opinion anyway xP), some sort of Tyrannitar thing! o-o