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My Sprites

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
Well since I always comment on other's sprites in their threads, it's time the shoe's on the other foot. That's right I do sprite.

Some sprites

Some others


C&C is ALWAY's Accepted.

Amaisan Axis

Jade Star Trainer
Why is the Naetoru devamp's eye black?


Wants name change
To make it look like the 1st Gen.

I can't find much wrong with your sprites. The Gastly re-element is very clever and I love it, but it's basically a recolour. And what IS that hippo doing on the side of your banner?

Did you make the scratches on the banner? They're brilliant.

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
To make it look like the 1st Gen.

I can't find much wrong with your sprites. The Gastly re-element is very clever and I love it, but it's basically a recolour. And what IS that hippo doing on the side of your banner?

Did you make the scratches on the banner? They're brilliant.

I'm sorry but that's perverted. It's just placed that way. As for the scratches no, I wish I made them. Their for my RPG(Which you can click the same banner in my sig to visit it)

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
hey can u make me a trainer card i want my name gary, can i have hikozaru in front of me and have in da boxes lucario buoysel korinkus second evoulution hikozaru naetoru pocchama plz

Sorry I don't take requests. This is for showing off your sprites. There is a section called Fan Art Requests.

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
Sorry for the DP but no ones posting. I have some Revamps to show


All are vamped from Gold

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
No! Compare the sprites

Edit: My fault. I don't know why they are different, I think I got the sprite from somewhere else.

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
With the glow, its hard to tell where the glow and outline starts, I think you should define one more.


This sprite, (the last one) the shading doesn't seem perfect, I think around the neck and head it could be improved.


Pokemon Shaman
The re-element is just a recolor, the heavy trainer edit's colors are a little weird and I really like the pokemorph. ^^

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
Thx for the comments guys. finally a thread that lives.
New Pokemorph.
This is one of Ralts. It morphed from a schoolgirl.

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
Oh well. New sprites. Two Mixes
. I think it came out well.

Meh, not my best but here it is.