Well as stated i'm creating a Emerald team, i can get other items but i cannot obtain regi's with other nature, may change some pokemons for other pokemons .
Lax nature
Trait:Clear body
- Rest
- Ice beam
- thunderbolt
- Ancient power/ Explosion/ Thunder wave (when i get enough points)
@Leftovers/ Leichi berry(?)
Bold nature
Trait: Clear body
- Rock tomb
- Earthquake
- Curse
- Rest
Bashful Nature
Trait: Intimidate
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon claw/ Rockslide (Need more points)
- Earthquake
- Aerial ace
@ Leftovers
Relaxed nature
Trait: Torrent
-Muddy water/ Surf
- Ice beam
- Earthquake
- Rest
Sassy Nature
Trait: Sticky Hold
-Sludge bomb
- flamethrower
- EXplosion (barely turned into a muk so, i'll get this move sooner or later
Bold nature
Trait: Synchronize
-Calm mind
- Shadowball (until i get one Poke that has will o wisp that can breed with gardevoir.)
- psychic
- Thunder bolt/ shadow ball
I'm still trying to get a Modest gardevoir, near 15 eggs hatched and none yet with modest nature o.o
any help is well accepted

Lax nature
Trait:Clear body
- Rest
- Ice beam
- thunderbolt
- Ancient power/ Explosion/ Thunder wave (when i get enough points)

@Leftovers/ Leichi berry(?)
Bold nature
Trait: Clear body
- Rock tomb
- Earthquake
- Curse
- Rest

Bashful Nature
Trait: Intimidate
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon claw/ Rockslide (Need more points)
- Earthquake
- Aerial ace

@ Leftovers
Relaxed nature
Trait: Torrent
-Muddy water/ Surf
- Ice beam
- Earthquake
- Rest

Sassy Nature
Trait: Sticky Hold
-Sludge bomb
- flamethrower
- EXplosion (barely turned into a muk so, i'll get this move sooner or later

Bold nature
Trait: Synchronize
-Calm mind
- Shadowball (until i get one Poke that has will o wisp that can breed with gardevoir.)
- psychic
- Thunder bolt/ shadow ball
I'm still trying to get a Modest gardevoir, near 15 eggs hatched and none yet with modest nature o.o
any help is well accepted
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