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My team, check it out


Move Puppet inc.
Well as stated i'm creating a Emerald team, i can get other items but i cannot obtain regi's with other nature, may change some pokemons for other pokemons .


Lax nature
Trait:Clear body
- Rest
- Ice beam
- thunderbolt
- Ancient power/ Explosion/ Thunder wave (when i get enough points)


@Leftovers/ Leichi berry(?)
Bold nature
Trait: Clear body
- Rock tomb
- Earthquake
- Curse
- Rest


Bashful Nature
Trait: Intimidate
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon claw/ Rockslide (Need more points)
- Earthquake
- Aerial ace


@ Leftovers
Relaxed nature
Trait: Torrent
-Muddy water/ Surf
- Ice beam
- Earthquake
- Rest


Sassy Nature
Trait: Sticky Hold
-Sludge bomb
- flamethrower
- EXplosion (barely turned into a muk so, i'll get this move sooner or later :p)


Bold nature
Trait: Synchronize
-Calm mind
- Shadowball (until i get one Poke that has will o wisp that can breed with gardevoir.)
- psychic
- Thunder bolt/ shadow ball

I'm still trying to get a Modest gardevoir, near 15 eggs hatched and none yet with modest nature o.o
any help is well accepted
Last edited:


Move Puppet inc.
yes, i know, but Shelgon actually has more defense than Salamance, that's why i have dragon dance to contribute to it's attack and speed

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
What are you going to tank with Shelgon anyway? You've got Regirock and Regice to handle physical and special sweepers anyway, and you need some sort of decent offense in your team.

Bold Nature
- Ice Beam
- T-Bolt
- T-Wave
- Rest

Careful Nature
- Curse
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Explosion / Rest

Bold would've been really good on Regice......Rest is prefered over Explosion since you don't really want to blow up your physical wall.

Salamence@lefties / Choice Band
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Aerial Ace
- Dragon Dance / Fire Blast

Go with Fire Blast for the last move if you want a Choice Bander. CBmence is extremely deadly, much more so than DDmence, especially if it is the one leading the team. DDmence needs lefties.

Quagsire is basically a shittier version of Swampert: they basically do the samething, but Swampert does it better.

Sassy Nature
- Curse
- Earthquake
- Ice Beam / Surf
- Rest


Relaxed Nature
- Counter
- Earthquake
- Curse
- Surf / Ice Beam

Relaxed Nature
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Earthquake
- Rest

This set is much easier to breed and use ingame than Cursepert.

Careful / Sassy Nature
- Curse
- Sludge Bomb
- Shadow Punch / Fire Blast
- Explosion

Sassy goes with Fire Blast if you want something to take out Steels.

Calm / Careful Nature
- Sleep Powder
- Razor Leaf / Sludge Bomb
- Aromatherapy
- Moonlight / Synthesis


Modest Nature
- Sunny Day
- Solarbeam
- Sleep Powder
- Synthesis / Moonlight

When it comes to Sunnybeaming Vileplume pales in comparison with other Chlorophyllers like Exeggutor or Shiftry.

You need some sort of special attacker in there, since there's really nothing that can hurt the opponent in terms of special sweeping.


Move Puppet inc.
Ok, my pokemon team has been updated, and i'll change muk for another one when i get a Muk with curse (need to breed it with a shuppet, i guess)


Well-Known Member
Hypnosis + Dream Eater doesn't work. They just switch.

Gardevor@ Leftovers

Calm Mind


Move Puppet inc.
Ok team updated, i'll get a gardevoir with will o wisp later o.o, any other suggestions?


None really, but change your sets to match Frost Nova's. His will work, no doubt about it.

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Use either a Banette or a Dusclops to breed with Gardy. Banette is the better choice coz he learns it earlier than Dusclops at level 32.

And I'll take the comment above as a compliment. :)


Move Puppet inc.
Ok, Updated, i'm trying to gat a modest gardevoir...so it'll take some time, be patient, other than that i already have a Muk that barely evolved so yep...comments, suggestions? other pokemon that would fit the team?

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Don't Choice Band Salamence he is better with dragon dance

No. Not necessarily.

CBmence is a top Choice Bander: hits hard, gets out fast, and Intimidate really hurts once it stacks up. Not that DDmence is bad though, but it requires a lot of patience to wait for the right moment for it to switch in and set up.