Shiny Magcargo
Well-Known Member
(This is for Leaf Green)
I'm trying to think of a team that will just get me through the game and beat the elite four. I'm trying to use all the HMs and useful moves outside of battle on my team. I'm assuming the elite four is the same this time around. I'm not going to post ev's or natures because I'll EV train later when I can choose which battles to fight. Also I don't want to waste TM's on these pokemon, unless it's a TM I can buy as many as I want.
I chose Venusaur because he can sweep the first two gyms easily.
Sleep Powder (Useful for catching Pokemon)
Leech Seed
Razor Leaf
Flash (HM lameness)
Crobat (Because I can get him early on and he learns Mean Look)
Mean Look (Useful for catching Entei)
Confuse Ray
Poison Fang
Fly (HM somewhat useful)
Dewgong (Because he learns Ice Beam)
Surf (HM Usefulness)
Ice Beam (Useful for Lance's Dragons and Freezing Pokemon)
Waterfall (HM redundantness)
Dugtrio (for Arena Trap)
Dig (Useful for annoying caves)
Rock Slide (I'm going to Breed with Larvitar once I get one to not waste a TM)
Cut (HM Suck)
Snorlax (for Covet)
Strength (HM STAB)
Covet (For stealing items)
(Something else)
No sixth pokemon so I can leave this space for raising other pokemon.
A Question about covet though: Do you still get the item if you faint the pokemon?
Is there any other outside battle abilities that are useful, other than pick up?
I guess I still need to put rock smash on someone too. Is there very many rocks to smash in this game?
I'm trying to think of a team that will just get me through the game and beat the elite four. I'm trying to use all the HMs and useful moves outside of battle on my team. I'm assuming the elite four is the same this time around. I'm not going to post ev's or natures because I'll EV train later when I can choose which battles to fight. Also I don't want to waste TM's on these pokemon, unless it's a TM I can buy as many as I want.
I chose Venusaur because he can sweep the first two gyms easily.
Sleep Powder (Useful for catching Pokemon)
Leech Seed
Razor Leaf
Flash (HM lameness)
Crobat (Because I can get him early on and he learns Mean Look)
Mean Look (Useful for catching Entei)
Confuse Ray
Poison Fang
Fly (HM somewhat useful)
Dewgong (Because he learns Ice Beam)
Surf (HM Usefulness)
Ice Beam (Useful for Lance's Dragons and Freezing Pokemon)
Waterfall (HM redundantness)
Dugtrio (for Arena Trap)
Dig (Useful for annoying caves)
Rock Slide (I'm going to Breed with Larvitar once I get one to not waste a TM)
Cut (HM Suck)
Snorlax (for Covet)
Strength (HM STAB)
Covet (For stealing items)
(Something else)
No sixth pokemon so I can leave this space for raising other pokemon.
A Question about covet though: Do you still get the item if you faint the pokemon?
Is there any other outside battle abilities that are useful, other than pick up?
I guess I still need to put rock smash on someone too. Is there very many rocks to smash in this game?