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Event Marquis
I made a thread discussing whether or not Pokemon cloned using glitches(like in Gen1/Gen 2 VC games) are legal in VGC.

I got a warning saying that the thread I made violated the rules, which isn't true:

1. Glitches are in game and does not use cheat codes.
2. Does not require a cheat device.

I'd like to know where it is I have broken the rules or if you have a different interpretation of the rules.


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before.
Staff member
Yes it is. Glitch discussion isn't against the rules, but mentioning about hacking devices and cloning (meaning cloning via them) is.

If the thread you made only talked about glitch cloning, you wouldn't have gotten the warning. (And it's nothing serious, as it's for 0 points and will expire.)

Here's the rule:

1. Don't ask for or provide illegal content, discuss cheating devices or cheat codes
This includes episode downloads, Gameshark, Action Replay, ROMs, etc


That said, I didn't mind the thread in regards to the cloning using glitches side, just not the device part (at the first part of the thread where you mentioned about the VGC rules). That's where it gets dicey. That kind of discussion isn't allowed.

Saying something like, 'Pokemon captured regularly and cloned via glitch is allowed by the VGC rules, but not by other means. What are your thoughts on this?'

That would have been ok, as long as no talk about cheating devices came up and only stuck to talking about glitch cloning.

Feel free to recreate the thread and keep it to talk about glitch cloning and the VGC.
Last edited:


Pokémon Master (Kinda)
I also had a thread that seems to have been deleted m.I had a thread called Ashs Pikachu as a Pichu and it isn’t showing up on my watched threads list.Is there some mistake?Am I just stupid and am not seeing it?Please help me out as I would appreciate it
I also had a thread that seems to have been deleted m.I had a thread called Ashs Pikachu as a Pichu and it isn’t showing up on my watched threads list.Is there some mistake?Am I just stupid and am not seeing it?Please help me out as I would appreciate it

Are you sure it wasn't just merged with an already existing thread? Judging by your post history I can tell that you post a lot of things that could be considered unnecessary or even spam so maybe a moderator merged your redundant thread with a proper thread that was already made.


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before.
Staff member
It wasn't merged, it was deleted by another mod. Try contacting Dephender about it.