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My Three Decks Version 2 - Advanced

Yami Ron

Elite Member
Here are the same three decks as in the previous thread, but revamped and with the inclusion of the Side Deck in each one.

Spellcaster Deck

3|DMG|Dark Paladin
3|DCR|Dark Flare Knight

3|BPT|Dark Magician
2|MFC|Dark Magician Girl
1|LOD|Airknight Parshath
1|IOC|Dark Magician of Chaos
1|AST|Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

1|LOD|Exiled Force
1|MRD|Magician of Faith
1|LOD|Injection Fairy Lily
1|AST|King of the Swamp
2|JMP|Magician's Valkyria
2|LON|Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
1|MFC|Breaker The Magical Warrior
2|FET|The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion

1|MRD|Heavy Storm
2|ROD|Sage's Stone
1|SDP|Graceful Charity
1|CRV|Fusion Recovery
1|PSV|Premature Burial
1|SD6|Magical Dimension
2|MRL|Black Illusion Ritual
1|MRL|Mystical Space Typhoon
1|LOB|Swords of Revealing Light

1|MRD|Mirror Force
2|NTR|Magician's Circle
1|PSV|Call of the Haunted
1|PGD|Ring of Destruction

Side Deck

1|DCR|Mirage Knight
1|ROD|Dark Magician Knight
1|SD6|Dark Eradicator Warlock
1|MOV|Sorcerer of Dark Magic
1|SD6|Magical Blast
1|ROD|Knight's Title
1|TLM|Brain Control
1|PCY|Thousand Knives
1|AST|Dark Magic Attack
1|PSV|Nobleman of Crossout
1|MFC|Diffusion Wave-Motion
1|RDS|Monster Reincarnation
1|IOC|Dedication through Light and Darkness
1|LON|Magic Cylinder
1|DCR|Sakuretsu Armor

Machine Deck

3|CDI|Cyber Ogre 2
3|FET|Gatling Dragon
3|CRV|Cyber End Dragon
3|CRV|Cyber Twin Dragon
3|POD|Chimeratech Overdragon

3|CRV|Cyber Dragon
1|CP1|Satellite Cannon
1|AST|Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

1|MRL|UFO Turtle
1|LOD|Exiled Force
2|EOJ|Cyber Phoenix
1|MRL|Shining Angel
1|MRD|Magician of Faith
2|LOD|Marauding Captain
2|SOI|Proto-Cyber Dragon
1|MFC|Breaker The Magical Warrior
2|FET|The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion

1|SDY|Last Will
1|CRV|Power Bond
1|MRD|Heavy Storm
1|TLM|Brain Control
1|POD|Future Fusion
1|SDP|Graceful Charity
1|POD|Overload Fusion
1|PSV|Limiter Removal
1|PSV|Premature Burial
1|MRL|Mystical Space Typhoon
2|DP2|Inferno Reckless Summon
1|LOB|Swords of Revealing Light

1|MRD|Mirror Force
1|AST|Beckoning Light
1|DCR|Sakuretsu Armor
1|PSV|Call of the Haunted
1|PGD|Ring of Destruction

Side Deck

2|CDI|Cyber Ogre
1|MFC|Spell Canceller
2|AST|Blowback Dragon
1|LOD|Airknight Parshath
1|SOD|Mobius the Frost Monarch
1|CRV|Fusion Recovery
1|RDS|Monster Reincarnation
1|PSV|Nobleman of Crossout
1|LON|Magic Cylinder
1|POD|Cyber Summon Blaster
1|EP1|Return from the Different Dimension

Dragon Deck

3|FET|King Dragun
3|DMG|Dark Paladin
3|CDI|Cyberdark Dragon
3|SD9|Five-Headed Dragon
3|JMP|Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

2|SOD|Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8

1|LOD|Tyrant Dragon
1|LOD|Airknight Parshath
1|AST|Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
2|SOD|Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6

2|BPT|Lord of D.
1|LOD|Exiled Force
2|LOD|Spear Dragon
2|RDS|Mirage Dragon
1|MRL|Mystic Tomato
1|MRD|Magician of Faith
1|FET|Divine Dragon Ragnarok
1|MFC|Breaker the Magical Warrior
2|FET|The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion

1|MRD|Heavy Storm
1|TLM|Brain Control
1|POD|Future Fusion
1|SDP|Graceful Charity
1|CRV|Dragon's Mirror
1|PSV|Premature Burial
3|LOD|Stamping Destruction
1|LOB|Swords of Revealing Light
2|SDK|The Flute of Summoning Dragon

1|MRD|Mirror Force
1|LOD|Dragon's Rage
1|DCR|Sakuretsu Armor
1|PSV|Call of the Haunted
1|PGD|Ring of Destruction

Side Deck

2|PSV|Buster Blader
1|CDI|Cyberdark Keel
1|CDI|Cyberdark Horn
1|CDI|Cyberdark Edge
3|SDK|Blue-Eyes White Dragon
1|MOV|Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon
1|SOD|Mobius the Frost Monarch
1|MRL|Mystical Space Typhoon
1|LON|Magic Cylinder
1|LOD|The Dragon's Bead
1|EP1|Return from the Different Dimension
They look better now, but I think you have too many fusions, what happens when Fusionist Killers and that one trap that destroys a face-up fusion is released in STON o_O

Yami Ron

Elite Member
Well remember, these are YVD decks (Spellcaster deck I'm actually trying to build right now), so you have to have many fusions as you can in them so that you can be able to bring them out when you need to. Of course in actual decks, you wouldn't want to use so many fusions.