mudkip man
New Member
Here are the pokemon i am willing to trade(ALL ARE LEGIT SO DONT BOTHER ASKING ME!)
Blastoise-lvl 62
salamence-lvl 54
Latias-lvl 61-nicknamed
Tyranitar-lvl 62
cresselia-lvl 54
rotom-lvl 15
3 feebas all level 20 or higher
torchic untouched
infernape lvl 91
SHINY vilplume lvl 26 nicknamed
all MIrage pokemon(azelf, mesprit, uxie) lvl 50
all three regis lvl 40 nicknamed
zapdos- lvl 50
Regigigas-lvl 70
dialga lvl 65
Here is what i'm interested in:
i would like any shiny pokemon especially shiny cyndaquil, charmander, or riolu
pleez dont feel shy to consider anything because i am willing to consider something else
Blastoise-lvl 62
salamence-lvl 54
Latias-lvl 61-nicknamed
Tyranitar-lvl 62
cresselia-lvl 54
rotom-lvl 15
3 feebas all level 20 or higher
torchic untouched
infernape lvl 91
SHINY vilplume lvl 26 nicknamed
all MIrage pokemon(azelf, mesprit, uxie) lvl 50
all three regis lvl 40 nicknamed
zapdos- lvl 50
Regigigas-lvl 70
dialga lvl 65
Here is what i'm interested in:
i would like any shiny pokemon especially shiny cyndaquil, charmander, or riolu
pleez dont feel shy to consider anything because i am willing to consider something else