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My Trainer Card shop is open!


Well-Known Member
Hello! my trainer card shop is now ready for requests!Takes about 25 minutes to make them,Tell me which six pokemon you want,what game you want them to be from(do not have Yellow red blue, or silver crystal gold sprites, but i have the way those pokemon look on RSEDP, and fr and lg,if you want them shiny or normal,which trainer you want to be,(diamond and pearl trainers avalible)what set of badges( Have gold/silver frontier symbols but no DP badges, also have orange leage), and what name you want on it, ( name is optional)you can choose the background as light forest,dark forest,snow,clouds,sea,cave entrance,safari, or tell me to just pick one of the other ones.WARNING:leaving credit to me for making it is optional,but leave credit to www.pokemonelite2000 for the sprites and trainers,and www.neopets.com pokemon for the templates and badges or your signature could be deleted!
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Well-Known Member
Name: B3an0b0y
Background:Forest(like yours)
Pokemon: Tyranitar (emerald), Salamence (PD), Shadow weavile(DP), Raikou (DP) Red Gyrados (DP), Shadow metagross (DP)
Badges:all of the badges D/P
Person: Boy from XD (cartoon, if not available Boy from Emerald)


Well-Known Member
I forgot to add this, if it is a dp pokemon please tell its pokedex#, and i only have sprites for ruby, sapphire,emerald,fire red, leaf green,diamond and pearl pokemon, this includes trainers.


Well-Known Member
Of course,all i know is how to make trainer cards so that would be awesome!(Can you PM me and tell me the link to the site that shows you how to make banners and fusions);rukario;


Well-Known Member
In case you dont get the pm Poke'Blaze.http://i13.*******.com/47trivs.jpg and, now , if you want a pokemon from, dp,(or a kanto, johto, hoenn pokemon in the way it looks in dp) you can chose male or female for your pokemon, if you dont say i will just make them all male.
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Well-Known Member
more choices

you can now also choose the plain white, or lightblue background; you can aslo choose to stand beside a pokemon on your trainer card. I love ;rukario;Also, darkrukario is working here also, he/ she can make banners, sprites, etc.like this one,
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Munchlax WILL eat U!
can you edit my trainer card? i need
1. for the guy to be changed to a Blackbelt (boy)
2. take of the extra shino badges


The Unstoppable
can i request a card that has a pink template with with this trainer...
and the pokemon milotic,enperuto,steelix,gardevoir,leafia, and rapidash please it's for my sister with the D/P badges and the name cecelia and thanks in advance.