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My Very Own Fakemon

What do you think about my fakemon?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

CutE PokemOn MastEr

-'cHar's mY BisHiE
I think that making my own Pokemon is cool so here are two

Mossuela-grass type


the water starter- bubblon
thanks to dragon girl for the sprite...

i need some suggestions for names

could anyone also do some sprites of these Pokemon if anyone knows how to...

I will be editing from time to time
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Well-Known Member
right first off, the fakemon contest was for sprites if i remeber correctly, these aren't sprites or even pixel art so they probably won't be accepted if that is the case. (Sprites need to be under 64X64 or 80X80.) I'm aware this isn't the sprite forum just pointing something out.

The Grass starter looks a little boring. The pose is very static and need a little more action. Generally, starters need to look good to attract the trainers to choose them. The balloon type fakemon is overdone. Look for an animal that fits with the type and try to morph it into a pokemon. Shading is awkward around the legs.
It's good it just needs fine tuning.

Basically the same for the water starter. The pose however looks a bit better. The leg on our left should probably be one shade.

Not bad just not great. Don't worry, you're not the only one.
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Awsome dragon girl
I trie the water one's sprite. :) Here!
The eyes are bad though. :(


Awsome dragon girl
It was a R/S marill with D/P tail for the ears, part of mudkip and a bit of editing.

CutE PokemOn MastEr

-'cHar's mY BisHiE
Here is another Picture of Bubblon I think he's better here:


sprite by lucario36
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CutE PokemOn MastEr

-'cHar's mY BisHiE
What about this...


a grass/ dragon type


a fire type mouse
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CutE PokemOn MastEr

-'cHar's mY BisHiE
can u try to make me a evoultion and pre-evoultion of taruos

sorry but I dont take requests but I'll try...

Imade some new fellas...


lapras pre-evo


and skitty pre-evo

please suggest names... thanks...


Macho man!
The fire mouse looks like Raichu.

I really like the grass dragon. I would like to see an evo of that if you make anything more.

CutE PokemOn MastEr

-'cHar's mY BisHiE
The fire mouse looks like Raichu.

I really like the grass dragon. I would like to see an evo of that if you make anything more.

sure I'll find time to do an evo...

CutE PokemOn MastEr

-'cHar's mY BisHiE
Some new friends I made....


lapras evo....


bubblon evo....

i am the chosen one

< 'Oh! Look! Money!'
that grass/dragon is like dratine and the laparas pre-evo is just like him,
the others are alright. my fav is the laperas evo.

CutE PokemOn MastEr

-'cHar's mY BisHiE
here... try these on for size...


From [L to R]- Fire starter - ice flying legendary - grass flying legendary - mewthree

C& C Please
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Arctic Blue

Igloo ^^
You're getting better at this, but try working with smaller images first, like the size of your Lapras evo. I will sprite some of these if you want me to. The four most recent are much better, except the first one doesn't look like a fake really. I like Bublon's evo. =3

CutE PokemOn MastEr

-'cHar's mY BisHiE
You're getting better at this, but try working with smaller images first, like the size of your Lapras evo. I will sprite some of these if you want me to. The four most recent are much better, except the first one doesn't look like a fake really. I like Bublon's evo. =3


i would really appReciate it if you would sprite them :)


Zigzagoon luv
Its Good...
I Like Them.
But they Kinda Look the Same. :/