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My Zapdos



First of all, hi all, I just registered.

So I have a question about my ;145;

This is his stats:

HP 19; Atk: 9; Def 13; Spd 31; Sp at 9; Sp df 29;
Nat: Serious

And I thought I would blend his EVs like this:
HP 2; Atk 0; Def 56; Spd 100; Sp at 252; Sp df 100;

It would come out something like this at lv 100:
HP 309; Atk 194; Def 202; Spd 261: Sp at 327; Sp df 239;

Comments? Is this a good Zapdos you think?


Leave my posts alone
This should really be in the FR/LG section.

As for your Zapdos; Not a clue. I don't care about DV's and EV's etc. Just the Pokemon's stats and natures(sort of)!


Just use it, you don't need to waste your time with EV training.


Heat Trainer
lol... waste your time with ev training, its never a waste of time only if you do it wrong


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Moving this to the RMT section, any questions about a Pokemon's movesets or EV spreads go there.


prophecy fulfilled
zapdos @ leftovers
trait: pressure
modest nature (+satk, -atk)
252 speed / 120 satk / 40 defence / rest in hp
- thunderbolt
- rest
- sleep talk
- hidden power grass/ice