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Myst .:Sign Ups:.


Mush! Mush!
This is for all the Myst liking nerds out there. :p I'm getting hooked on it myself. :p

'I realised the moment I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned. It continued falling into that starry expanse of which I had only a fleeting glimpse. I have tried to speculate where it might have landed but must admit that such conjecture is futile. Still, questions about whose hands may one day hold my MYST book are unsettling to me. I know my apprehensions might never be allayed, and so I close, realising that the ending may not truly be written....'​

A mysterious book has appeared in a book shop near you. You examine it very carefully. It is a ragged book in fine bold labels spelling out "MYST". Every page is well written and looks like it just came fresh off the press. At the end of the book there is a well detailed picture of an island that looks completely real. It was as if you were there. You put your hand on that page one last time to touch the beautiful picture of the island when something strange is happening. It as though your body is being stretched out of the world as you know it and into the book.
You appear at a dock, with several other people who fell into the book. You all have nothing to do so you just explore around, hoping you will some how get out. There are several ages you and your friends must find:
  • Stoneship Age
  • Selenitic Age
  • Mechanical Age
  • Channelwood Age

And there is one more age that you have overlooked and must use your intelligence to get into.
There are several places on the island you should keep aware of:
  • Spaceship
  • Fountain
  • Library
  • Dock
  • Clock Tower
And a few more...

This island will involve intelligence and the guts to stick around and solve the mysteries. Will you do it?

OTHER: (Optional)

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
For a massive MMORPG that's a mighty tiny plot.


Mush! Mush!
Yeah I should probably add more, shouldn't I? :p Sorry, been ages since I've RPed and I was a bit tired when I wrote it. :p I'll try to get more edited when I have time.

EDIT: Myst isn't multiplayer so doesn't that take it out of the MMORPG list?