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mysterious pokemon


I Crush Everything
Have you ever wondered what a cubone looked like without its skull? Have you ever wanted to see what a diglett's body was like? Well, here is a thread where people can speculate on what parts of pokemon which are ever hidden actually look like.


Well-Known Member
wow cool thread... yah i have wondered that... i bet cubone has a head the same shape as the skull just the light brown... and digglets body... man i cant think of anything... it is so weird... haha


I bet Cubone looks like a weasel. I have the exact picture in my head, but I can't describe it.


Well-Known Member
I always imagined diglett to have small claws for digging and small feat and dugtrio's is a bit bigger i'd draw it, but my computer is screwing up to get a picture on it.


Well-Known Member
For diglet using scratch,slash,cut,ect,ect. I always figured that diglet/dugtrio just built up speed and "ran" past the opponent. Think sandpaper-like skin.


Furret rocks
In Mystery Dungeon, it's revealed that Diglett have feet.


Leave my posts alone
Forretress, Tangela/Majambo, Duskull etc, anybody?

There's all curious when you think about it, but when you aren't, they're just Pokemon...


Shinx <3
Forretress, Tangela/Majambo, Duskull etc, anybody?

There's all curious when you think about it, but when you aren't, they're just Pokemon...

Tangela: maybe a black adhesive thing with red shoes?
Duskull: A floating skull with ruby eyes, imo.


Mayness Yayness!
I always wondered if the Dugtiro were connected or really where 3 digletts?


Mayness Yayness!
I belive that Cubone's head looks like Charmander's head only his nose is longer. Digletts and Dugtrios don't have hands and legs. They are like earthworms...ahhh... only much much shorter.

Its said in Mystery Dungeon tht they do, causing a shocked reactions from the player character


Digletts do have claws/hands/feet.

Hmmm I wouldn't mind seeing whatever the hell Tangela is trying to hide.. GOD that sounded wrong >.>, just think of the Dustballs from the PSP adverts...

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
I think there are some threads like this already. I remember seeing a HILARIOUS pic of diglett...