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Mystery Dungeon Fun


Always Friends
Ok... Now, here's what a certain lady made up on a Pokemon Forum. Her and a pack of other people were going to all play the same game, or something like that, and go over it together, and post updates. This will be like that, but with Mystery Dungeon, and two people at a time. Let's say me and someone do it together. When we play, we start over, and our partner has to be the other player.


Patchiiru and Serebii...

MD Info.:
Patchiiru's: Name: Whatever I pick | Pokemon: Whatever I get. | Partner: Serebii

Serebii's: Name: Whatever he would pick. | Pokemon: Whatever he would get. | Partner: Patchiiru. And thus foward, we keep eachother updated on levels, and team members, and how far they are in the game. Now... this might be a problem. If you get a level, you odn't have to post RIGHT THEN. You could post maybe 5 levels later. If your on a trip, post in the information when you get back... I hope this will be fun. ^^ Enjoy, and I'll post the people paired up.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Fun - Pair-Ups


Hey that's pretty funny that you did this. XD I've already kind of done this with my game, I made Pokemon for all my friends, the only difference is that they don't have the game.

I made a forum for it though where I post updates on the team and such. XD Everyone is having a lot of fun with it, and now all my friends are telling me to get this game for them for Christmas. (LOL What have I done? XD)


Always Friends
Well, wanna do it Mango Tails, or show me that forum?


Drifblim landing!
So when you pick your partner do you pick your partners starter or their partner or what?

BTW I'm getting the other version in a week-1 day (Monday) and I'll try this. I'm aiming for my starter to be Mudkip, Treecko, Cubone, Pikachu, Cyndaquil or Totodile. BTW I'll partner with anybody who wants 1 of those above Pokemon as their Starter and 1 other as their partner as then I can get both I want.

BTWAgain: I'm thinking of getting Pikachu as my starter or partner because they're so hard to recruit. My plan is Mudkip and Pikachu as either starter or partner. Maybe Treecko. But I'll bend to those Pokemon I listed earlier
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Noah's Scapegoat
I'm up for it! I can restart Red right now.

I'm aiming for Treecko as my starter. I really don't care what my partner is.


Drifblim landing!
I'm up for it! I can restart Red right now.

I'm aiming for Treecko as my starter. I really don't care what my partner is.

:) Better say your farewells and have a few last missions. Come Monday (Tuesday today in UK for those in other places) I'll be ready. Think ya can wait?


Always Friends
Crud, the first person was supposed to be mine. I've been waiting for like 5 days since I've posted this... bored. Unless we could all do it. And what I meant was... If I played and I partnered with Zaraze... My partner on the game would be Zaraze, and whatever Pokemon he is when he does his. Vice Versa. His partner would be Patchiiru, and whatever Pokemon I get... :( Now I'm lonely... Omaraku, you were ready and set. You wanna be my partner? ^^
Crud, the first person was supposed to be mine. I've been waiting for like 5 days since I've posted this... bored. Unless we could all do it. And what I meant was... If I played and I partnered with Zaraze... My partner on the game would be Zaraze, and whatever Pokemon he is when he does his. Vice Versa. His partner would be Patchiiru, and whatever Pokemon I get... :( Now I'm lonely... Omaraku, you were ready and set. You wanna be my partner? ^^

i have two md blues, i'll partner with you if you want ^_^
i'm planing on being a squirtle. or mabye a totodile, but probably a squirtle.


Always Friends
Wow, thanks... But... Your so far, and your helping people a lot. OH YEAH, YOU HAVE TWO. Well, OK, reply back here with your quiz results, and so will I. Make your Partner Patchiiru, but don't pick it yet, until I tell you what I got. Whatever I got will be your partner. ^^
Wow, thanks... But... Your so far, and your helping people a lot. OH YEAH, YOU HAVE TWO. Well, OK, reply back here with your quiz results, and so will I. Make your Partner Patchiiru, but don't pick it yet, until I tell you what I got. Whatever I got will be your partner. ^^

ok, i'll begin the quiz in a sec...
EDIT:i got a squirtle without restarting at all 8D
btw, what should we name the team? i like my team name from my other game, Diamond.
maybe team Lucario? nah, maybe.... Savior... no, to corny.....i like diamond... has a certian feel to it.
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Always Friends
Believe or not, I got Mudkip. Whoopty doody. That means if you get a water type, you can't be my partner. LOL


Always Friends
How about... wait your Squirtle, and what do you mean "without restarting". Well... since I can't have you as partner... I'll have to wait for Omaraku... Or I could be something other than Mudkip... D: D: D: D: D:

Ya know, fine. *sniffle*

Oh yip, I got Squirtle. :( Ok, restart again... It should say "Try Again" or somethin. I hate having to wait the whole time for it to load up again. I could be a girl. *shrug* Nah, I'll be boy. My last girl account made me want to restart because I'm not gay. Boys could be Skittys, and especially Eevees!

UGH TOTODILE!!! Ya know that I'm actually doing this, over and over, that's why this post is taking so long... I'm sorry if i've been mean.

*twitch* Torchic... Ok fine... Ok, what's your name? Latias LOL Mine is Pyroco. LOL Like my screen name, Tansyoco.


Always Friends
Ok, mines... Oh yeah, ya already know. Let's start!

EDIT: If you haven't already put my name, I'd like it changed to... Tansy.. wait... Danny! Wait, Apollo!
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Always Friends
UGH I KEEP GETTING THOSE MIXED. I edited my post above, please look.


Always Friends
Oh thats alright! Ok, let's go!

EDIT: I gotta go... Our team name will be... Turtle Chick? Or Hydrofire?