I would like there to be an expansion to the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series.
And they will be for the Nintendo GameCube and the Nintendo Wii.
But that hasn't been confirmed that there will be one.
If you want to change your Pokemon's nicknames, the only thing to do that on the GBA version is to use CodeBreaker and use Nickname Modifier codes for the specified Pokemon.
1st Pokemon Name Modifier
82038250 ????
82038252 ????
82038254 ????
82038256 ????
82038258 ????
2nd Pokemon Name Modifier
820382B4 ????
820382B6 ????
820382B8 ????
820382BA ????
820382BC ????
3rd Pokemon Name Modifier
82038318 ????
8203831A ????
8203831C ????
8203831E ????
82038320 ????
4th Pokemon Name Modifier
8203837C ????
8203837E ????
82038380 ????
82038382 ????
82038384 ????
use 00 for blank
use 30-39 for 0-9
use 41-5A for A-Z
use 61-7A for a-z
41:A 42:B 43:C 44
45:E 46:F 47:G 48:H 49:I 4A:J 4B:K 4C:L 4D:M 4E:N 4F:O 50
51:Q 52:R 53:S 54:T 55:U 56:V 57:W 58:X 59:Y 5A:Z
61:a 62:b 63:c 64:d 65:e 66:f 67:g 68:h 69:i 6A:j 6B:k 6C:l 6D:m 6E:n 6F
71:q 72:r 73:s 74:t 75:u 76:v 77:w 78:x 79:y 7a:z