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Mystery Dungeons Cheats...


<- My newest hit!!!!
Hi... I finally have the game (at Oktober. 19. And here in holland it's just for sale at 10 November. HAHA)
Will i want to know if there are other cheats exept to gain new missions..
(For Red GBA)

O and mine team is. Psyduck (leader) Charmander Aron and Absol.
And i already defeated Articuno.. and must now go to Groudon

Caterpie Master

Oh My! Noodlesoup!
Well, as a fellow Dutchman, I shall answer you...in english.

There ARE cheats for MD Red, but I can't give you them.
You might find some if you search.


Well-Known Member
Here are some that I found while looking around the internet. I'll just put up the ones where you can unlock the blue dungeon pokemon, but give me a shout if you want other random missions.:) I'll also add in a mission for Sky Blue Plains if you don't already have it.:) I'm not sure if these all work, but I'll be trying them out soon, so tell me if they don't work.

Sky Blue Plains- 5?2Y QW0? ?T0Q JC?[Male] FH16 WR?W
Makes Porygon 2 apear in Red- 1?7C6CF??!91T3?9-N7RC??N
Mission to unlock Magicarp- X??S??X?468? (f)+??9756SY??
Mission to unlock Aipom- 4?N(...) W3+? ??P? (m)M?P 2?60 M(...)?W
Mission to unlock Minum- F?RP[F?(...)?]4+7? (...)R?H[64?0]R???
Mission to unlock Lapras F?J? 690? 4Q6C C!?? 8?66 8Q?(f)

Like I said before, I'm not sure if these will work, so you'll have to try them out yourself.:)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I saw your other post. It is awesome. Of course, I saw it after I put in these...
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