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Mystery Dungoen: Pokemon evolve via happiness?

Squeaky Yugi

Bring on the Metapod
How do I get Pokemon who evolve when they like you enough? (Like Crobat, Togetic, Pikachu, etc.) If the answer is "get them to like you" what do I do to get them to like me more?


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Happiness Pokemon evolve by having a high IQ. I believe you need 4 stars or more to evolve these Pokemon.
You must have a IQ over 4. Some of them are 6.


High Iq also can get them a move on a certain level.

Charizard/Blastoise/Venasaur: Elemental Hyper Beam (7 stars level 99)
Pichu: Volt Tavkle (7 stars level 50)


I wanted ketchup!!!
You have to at least have four IQ to make certain pokemon evolve

Squeaky Yugi

Bring on the Metapod

I've got my igglybuff up to 5 stars and still nothing. I'm seriously hoping I don't have to max him out.