This is a MST (check wikipedia for a definition) that I wrote a while ago that I have decided to post here. It's mostly a test to gauge your reactions for this sort of thing in case I want to restart the series I started, so I haven't been bothered to make any changes to it.
There may be stuff that you don't understand as this was written for a Freelancer fanforum who would understand the universe. In those cases I have added authors notes to aid understanding. Freelancer is a space-sim computer game set in a far-off star cluster that revolves around conflict between four major houses, various pirates, and some aliens.
'>stuff' represents the fanfic I'm MSTing.
'Person: stuff' represents what I have written.
(A Freelancer/Dragonball/Terrence? Crossover MSTing)
By Sybot
This is a MSTing of a work of fiction created by another author. Use of copyrighted and trademarked material is for entertainment purposes only; no infringement on the original copyrights or trademarks held by Best Brains, Inc. is intended or should be inferred. Any random mention of certain characters, song titles, games, etc. are the property of their respected creators/distributors/etc.... Freelancer is the property of Digital Anvil/Microsoft. "Freelancer 2" is the property of Zeta_Leader and he's welcome to it. I do not intend to offend him for making fun of his work like this but I figure it's only a matter of time before someone does. Think of this as another form of C&C. This MSTing is rated PG.
(MST3K Love Theme)
In the very distant future,
About 3000 AD
There was this guy named Trent
Not too different from you or me
He worked for nobody but himself
Caring for little else but his wealth
He did a great job flying round the place,
But his some villains didn’t like him
So they shot him into space!!!!
(Trent: But I was in space already!)
We'll send him crappy fanfics
The worst we can find (lalala)
He'll have to sit and read them all and we'll monitor his mind (lalala)
Now keep in mind Trent can't control
When the fanfics begin or end (lalala)
Because he used those special parts
To teleport in his friends;
(Smile please!)
(Trent? Who’s that?)
(I *won’t* kill him for this)
(I need a drink… )
If you’re wondering how Trent eats and breathes
And other science facts (lalala)
Then repeat to yourself
It's just a MST
You should really just relax
for MYSTERY FL THEATER 3000!!!! (guitar twang)
A Hispanic (AN: Spanish/Latin American, to be honest I don't actually know which) man in his late teens/early twenties enters from the right. He is dressed in a Corsair (AN: pirate organisation) flight suit. Crashing and banging noises, as well as yells can be heard coming from behind him. He notices the camera and looks at it.
“Oh, you must be Cambot,” he said, “from what that guy Trent said you are be transmitting live to the rest of the sector…” The realisation leaps onto his face like lightning. “I’m on TV!” He manages to stop himself from becoming too excited and looks back at the camera. “I guess you viewers want to know what’s happening? Fine then. I am Paulo Collazo, mighty pirate. Apparently this guy called Trent, who needed us to help with something, brought us here. By us I mean me, a Kusari (AN: Japanese) woman, and a Libertonian (AN: American) man” Suddenly a bald, moustachioed man, wearing an LSF (AN: Liberty Secruity Force, basically space police) uniform, runs in from the direction of the noises, briefly stops to look at the camera, then continues running off to the left, barely dodging a thrown piece of equipment. Paulo lets him pass, then continues.
“I think he said his name was King. As for the Kusari woman, she’s the one kicking up all the fuss back there. Apparently she wasn’t too happy with Trent bringing all three of us here. Personally I don’t know why I’m here, they seem to know each other but I haven’t met any of them before” There is a thud and all the crashes and smashing abruptly stops. Paulo glances off to the right, grimaces, and then looks back to the camera. “We’ll be right back”
Synth Foods Paste
Enjoy the delicious taste
So sugar free is our mush
You won’t even have to brush!
As the picture fades back in, we see Paulo and King sitting at the table with the aforementioned Trent, a blonde man in a brown jacket, and Juni, a Kusari woman in an LSF uniform. King is bandaging Trent’s head, while Paulo wisely sits between him and the still raging (albeit silently) Juni, preventing any further injury.
“OW!” Trent yelled, knocking King’s hands away as he did it.
“If you’d hold still, this would be done a long time ago… There!” He moves away to reveal Trent’s head wrapped up like a mummy.
“Great! Now I can’t see!” Trent stands up and stumbles off-camera. A short while later a clattering is heard.
“Anyway…” Paulo says when Trent returns, having completely thrown off the bandages, “does anybody know why we’re here?”
“I BELIEVE I CAN ANSWER THAT!” A loud booming voice filled the room and the wall behind the group lit up in static. They all turn just in time for the wall to become a viewscreen, showing a man in a starkly green lab coat with crazy hair, a moustache and green-rimmed glasses. “MY NAME IS…ahem…” his voice returns to normal levels “my name is Dr Clayton Forrester, evil genius extraordinaire!” (AN: and character from the original MST3K, the only one here)
“WHY HAVE YOU FORCED US HERE!” Juni screams. She gets off her chair, and then throws it at the viewscreen. Unfortunately it only bounces off.
“My dear,” Forrester continues with a smile, “you are here to participate in an experiment. In layman’s, i.e. your, terms, I will show you a piece of literature, and if it successfully drives you insane, I will use it to conquer the Sirius Sector! Hahahahahah!”
“We’ll never do it,” Paulo growls stubbornly with his arms crossed.
“Then you’ll sit it out without oxygen!” Forrester chuckles, reaching for a button out of sight.
“Fine! Fine!” Trent leaps up before Forrester can push it.
“Good. Now, my guinea pigs, get into that theatre because you have…FANFIC SIGN!!!” He cackles and switches off the viewscreen just before Juni can attack again with her chair.
“Now what?” asks King. Suddenly alarms and klaxons ring through the satellite and the lights all start flashing.
“Guess that answers your question,” Trent replies. They get together and grab Juni, then drag her through the door into the theatre.
6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… (AN: Door sequence, watch MST3K to understand)
*They enter the theatre and sit down in this order: King, Paulo, Trent, and Juni*
Trent: We can’t let that guy win, just play it cool.
Juni: *still angry* Grrrrrrrrr…
King: Hey, why are we talking like this now?
Paulo: Makes it easier on the eyes for the reader.
King: What was that!
Paulo: Sounded like the fourth wall breaking, nothing important.
Trent: Shhh, it’s starting.
*The fic begins to scroll by on the theatre screen*
>Freelancer 2
Paulo: Let me guess…Revenge of the Nomads? (AN: Purple, snake-like parasites capable of taking over humans)
Juni: The Author gets what’s coming to him?
Trent: Trent finally gets paid?
King: King finally gets laid?
Others: 0_o
King: What!?
>The Intro Is When The Nomads Came Into a Secret System
Trent: Shhh! It’s a secret!
Paulo: (David Attenborough) Here, in the Secret System, a group of Nomads come to the watering hole.
>unknown to even their leader, This system was The Terrence System (AN: don't worry, even I have no idea what a Terrence is supposed to be)
Juni: What! What sort of name is that for a system! *swings her katana over her head*
Trent: Take it easy! *ducks katana*
King: And where’d that sword come from?
>Run by 2 secret factions, The Terrence Team and the Saiya-jins
All: KA - ME - HA - ME -HA!
>Thoe too teams wanted revenge because the last people that "owned"
Paulo: You mean ‘pwned’, surely.
Trent: WTF! I R teh l337 hx0r!
Juni: STFU!
Trent: N00B!
King: lol.
>the sirus system did the same thing that happened to the Nomads so doese
King: This fic is making me ‘doese’
>teams teamed up to distroy the Exact thing that holds the Sirus System togeter,
Juni: Blu-tack?
Trent: String?
Paulo: The Force?
>the core of it, The New York System
All: Oh.
Trent: Funny how a single system somehow single-handedly keeps an entire sector together.
>(3 Months Later)
King: (Author) Zzz…Huh! What! Oh sorry, I got so bored writing this I fell asleep.
>The Order (AN: 'Criminal' organisation that fights Nomads) Has Gotten Bored Since they had to wait
Trent: (Orillion (AN: Leader of the Order) in whiney kid voice) I don’t wanna wait! Gimme something to do!
>so most of them went in to check if the Nomads are doing good in there
Paulo: (Order Pilot) Hey Nomads, doing anything good? Not planning to conquer humanity I hope.
Juni: (Nomad) Of course not, just ignore the Battleship sneaking up behind you.
>because their scanners have picked up somthing unknown and weird then it looked
>like they where in a Jump Gate and then the next thing they know is alot of new
>ships, a Nomad Bomber, Someone Flying in space with a Yellow Arua Covering
>then Bang their in the Freelanceing World in the sky
Trent: Err…
King: If anyone could make sense of that last section, please tell us.
>Orillion Servived and went off to tell trent and the others
King: (Orillion) Trent! Good thing I found you! We’re under attack from Saiya-jins and some guys called Terrence!
Trent: (Trent) Bwhahahahahahaha! … Oh wait, you’re serious.
>Mission 1:
>You start with a Anubis (AN: Starfighter) because you are part of the order
Juni: (Customer) I’d like to order a Trent Supreme please.
Trent: (Waiter) Certainly ma’am, any Hakkera Fries with that?
>Oriilion Comes and tells Trent What Happened And The Mission /is To Find The
>Cloaked Planet to find the cloak Device
Paulo: Good thing that ‘Orillion’ had already told him, or he might not have believed him.
Trent: Wait…where did this cloaked planet come from?
King: The same place Jacobi’s kidnapping did; left field. (AN: A plot point from the game that seemed to appear from nowhere)
>Part One, Getting Blowen Off By Nomads
King: Sounds fun.
Juni: King!
King: What?
Juni: There may be kids reading this!
King: Bite me!
>Part two, Nomads Still Coming
>Part 3, To To trade Lane
>Part 4: Distroy the Nomad Fleet
>Part 5: Dock
All: (signing) I'm just sitting on the dock of the bay, wasting time…
>Mission 1 B:
>Part 1: Cloak
>Part 2: De Cloak And Fire Super Misspitos
Trent: (Salesman) That’s right! Misspitos! Guaranteed to NOT hit what you are aiming for!
Paulo: (Salesman) Buy now and get a discount on all Dodgssiles!
>Part 3: Blow Up The Nomad Base
>Par 4: Defend Juni
Trent: FORE!
King: I don’t think you’ll be able to score a hole-in-one there Trent.
Juni: Why do I feel I should be stabbing you for that?
>Trent told Orillion that he distroyed their super base but Orillion said they are more
>but you have to get stronger
Trent: (singing) The hours approaching, just give it your best, you got to reach your prime.
Juni: (singing) That’s when you need to put yourself to the test, and show us a passage of time.
Paulo: (singing) Were going to need a MONTAGE!
>Because They have a whole other system from that hole you made and they have
>gotten stronger since last time
Trent: How conveeeeeniiiieeeent.
>Then Trent Said So When is the next guy who will somehow come here and show
>me an artifact...
Juni: I thought I lost him when he ‘fell’ out of the airlock, but he’s just like a bad smell.
King: He keeps coming back?
Juni: No, he just has really bad BO.
Others: *groan*
>then sombody did have an artifact that had electisity and Red Arua around it
Trent: Another one! Why does everybody keep coming to me with these things, I’m not a freaking archaeologist!
>Mission 2:
>Orillion Wants Trent, Juni, and King to Come To Mannhation For a mission to
>distroy the Red Bomber and the fleet Shild Covering it
Paulo: (Red Bomber) If I can’t see you, you can’t see me!
>1: Run From The Saiya-jins
>2: Zap Their Heads Off
>3: Beat The Whole Terrence System Fleet
King: (Trent) With a name like that, they can’t win!
>4: Eat
>5: Use The Bathroom
Paulo: That reminds me…I think that’s our time for a break.
Trent: About time! *Tries to push past Juni*
Juni: Ah-ha! No you don’t! *The katana is now pointing at Trent’s stomach*
Trent: Okay! You first.
*They exit in reverse order*
“And now we’re talking like this again!” King shouts as he enters the room.
“Don’t worry about it,” Paulo mutters.
“That wasn’t so bad,” Juni chips in. She certainly seems happier than before.
“I’m glad I got all of you to help me. That might have made me insane if you hadn’t been here,” Trent says, sounding relieved.
“Wait…” Juni’s smile slowly becomes a frown, “you only brought us here to stop yourself going crazy…” She slowly walks towards Trent. “TALK ABOUT SELFISH!”
“Er…calm down dear, its only a commercial” Trent backs into a wall while saying this. Paulo turns to the camera.
“You heard him Cambot, roll commercials” As the image fades screams of pain can be heard in the background.
The greatest ships in the universe!
Perfect for the budding Freelancer!
Satisfaction or you money back, guaranteed!
(Not a guarantee)
Fading in, we see the room in ruins; the walls scorched black and smoke pouring from damaged consoles. Paulo and King peek over the top the table, the only thing still standing.
“Is it over,” King says quietly.
“I think so,” Paulo replies. A look of horror appears on his face when he looks left and he screams. “Ahhhhhhhh! Stay away!” Juni walks in from the left. However, she seems happy now.
“Don’t worry, I think I’ve vented my anger now,” she says with a grin. Trent walks in behind her, covered in bruises, his clothes ripped and half his hair and eyebrows burnt off.
“And not a moment to soon,” he groans, before coughing up a ball of string. Alarms and klaxons start with flashing lights throughout the satellite.
“No time to clean up, guys!” Paulo shouts, “we’ve got FANFIC SIGN!!”
Part two is forthcoming, but I want some comments first.
There may be stuff that you don't understand as this was written for a Freelancer fanforum who would understand the universe. In those cases I have added authors notes to aid understanding. Freelancer is a space-sim computer game set in a far-off star cluster that revolves around conflict between four major houses, various pirates, and some aliens.
'>stuff' represents the fanfic I'm MSTing.
'Person: stuff' represents what I have written.
(A Freelancer/Dragonball/Terrence? Crossover MSTing)
By Sybot
This is a MSTing of a work of fiction created by another author. Use of copyrighted and trademarked material is for entertainment purposes only; no infringement on the original copyrights or trademarks held by Best Brains, Inc. is intended or should be inferred. Any random mention of certain characters, song titles, games, etc. are the property of their respected creators/distributors/etc.... Freelancer is the property of Digital Anvil/Microsoft. "Freelancer 2" is the property of Zeta_Leader and he's welcome to it. I do not intend to offend him for making fun of his work like this but I figure it's only a matter of time before someone does. Think of this as another form of C&C. This MSTing is rated PG.
(MST3K Love Theme)
In the very distant future,
About 3000 AD
There was this guy named Trent
Not too different from you or me
He worked for nobody but himself
Caring for little else but his wealth
He did a great job flying round the place,
But his some villains didn’t like him
So they shot him into space!!!!
(Trent: But I was in space already!)
We'll send him crappy fanfics
The worst we can find (lalala)
He'll have to sit and read them all and we'll monitor his mind (lalala)
Now keep in mind Trent can't control
When the fanfics begin or end (lalala)
Because he used those special parts
To teleport in his friends;
(Smile please!)
(Trent? Who’s that?)
(I *won’t* kill him for this)
(I need a drink… )
If you’re wondering how Trent eats and breathes
And other science facts (lalala)
Then repeat to yourself
It's just a MST
You should really just relax
for MYSTERY FL THEATER 3000!!!! (guitar twang)
A Hispanic (AN: Spanish/Latin American, to be honest I don't actually know which) man in his late teens/early twenties enters from the right. He is dressed in a Corsair (AN: pirate organisation) flight suit. Crashing and banging noises, as well as yells can be heard coming from behind him. He notices the camera and looks at it.
“Oh, you must be Cambot,” he said, “from what that guy Trent said you are be transmitting live to the rest of the sector…” The realisation leaps onto his face like lightning. “I’m on TV!” He manages to stop himself from becoming too excited and looks back at the camera. “I guess you viewers want to know what’s happening? Fine then. I am Paulo Collazo, mighty pirate. Apparently this guy called Trent, who needed us to help with something, brought us here. By us I mean me, a Kusari (AN: Japanese) woman, and a Libertonian (AN: American) man” Suddenly a bald, moustachioed man, wearing an LSF (AN: Liberty Secruity Force, basically space police) uniform, runs in from the direction of the noises, briefly stops to look at the camera, then continues running off to the left, barely dodging a thrown piece of equipment. Paulo lets him pass, then continues.
“I think he said his name was King. As for the Kusari woman, she’s the one kicking up all the fuss back there. Apparently she wasn’t too happy with Trent bringing all three of us here. Personally I don’t know why I’m here, they seem to know each other but I haven’t met any of them before” There is a thud and all the crashes and smashing abruptly stops. Paulo glances off to the right, grimaces, and then looks back to the camera. “We’ll be right back”
Synth Foods Paste
Enjoy the delicious taste
So sugar free is our mush
You won’t even have to brush!
As the picture fades back in, we see Paulo and King sitting at the table with the aforementioned Trent, a blonde man in a brown jacket, and Juni, a Kusari woman in an LSF uniform. King is bandaging Trent’s head, while Paulo wisely sits between him and the still raging (albeit silently) Juni, preventing any further injury.
“OW!” Trent yelled, knocking King’s hands away as he did it.
“If you’d hold still, this would be done a long time ago… There!” He moves away to reveal Trent’s head wrapped up like a mummy.
“Great! Now I can’t see!” Trent stands up and stumbles off-camera. A short while later a clattering is heard.
“Anyway…” Paulo says when Trent returns, having completely thrown off the bandages, “does anybody know why we’re here?”
“I BELIEVE I CAN ANSWER THAT!” A loud booming voice filled the room and the wall behind the group lit up in static. They all turn just in time for the wall to become a viewscreen, showing a man in a starkly green lab coat with crazy hair, a moustache and green-rimmed glasses. “MY NAME IS…ahem…” his voice returns to normal levels “my name is Dr Clayton Forrester, evil genius extraordinaire!” (AN: and character from the original MST3K, the only one here)
“WHY HAVE YOU FORCED US HERE!” Juni screams. She gets off her chair, and then throws it at the viewscreen. Unfortunately it only bounces off.
“My dear,” Forrester continues with a smile, “you are here to participate in an experiment. In layman’s, i.e. your, terms, I will show you a piece of literature, and if it successfully drives you insane, I will use it to conquer the Sirius Sector! Hahahahahah!”
“We’ll never do it,” Paulo growls stubbornly with his arms crossed.
“Then you’ll sit it out without oxygen!” Forrester chuckles, reaching for a button out of sight.
“Fine! Fine!” Trent leaps up before Forrester can push it.
“Good. Now, my guinea pigs, get into that theatre because you have…FANFIC SIGN!!!” He cackles and switches off the viewscreen just before Juni can attack again with her chair.
“Now what?” asks King. Suddenly alarms and klaxons ring through the satellite and the lights all start flashing.
“Guess that answers your question,” Trent replies. They get together and grab Juni, then drag her through the door into the theatre.
6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… (AN: Door sequence, watch MST3K to understand)
*They enter the theatre and sit down in this order: King, Paulo, Trent, and Juni*
Trent: We can’t let that guy win, just play it cool.
Juni: *still angry* Grrrrrrrrr…
King: Hey, why are we talking like this now?
Paulo: Makes it easier on the eyes for the reader.
King: What was that!
Paulo: Sounded like the fourth wall breaking, nothing important.
Trent: Shhh, it’s starting.
*The fic begins to scroll by on the theatre screen*
>Freelancer 2
Paulo: Let me guess…Revenge of the Nomads? (AN: Purple, snake-like parasites capable of taking over humans)
Juni: The Author gets what’s coming to him?
Trent: Trent finally gets paid?
King: King finally gets laid?
Others: 0_o
King: What!?
>The Intro Is When The Nomads Came Into a Secret System
Trent: Shhh! It’s a secret!
Paulo: (David Attenborough) Here, in the Secret System, a group of Nomads come to the watering hole.
>unknown to even their leader, This system was The Terrence System (AN: don't worry, even I have no idea what a Terrence is supposed to be)
Juni: What! What sort of name is that for a system! *swings her katana over her head*
Trent: Take it easy! *ducks katana*
King: And where’d that sword come from?
>Run by 2 secret factions, The Terrence Team and the Saiya-jins
All: KA - ME - HA - ME -HA!
>Thoe too teams wanted revenge because the last people that "owned"
Paulo: You mean ‘pwned’, surely.
Trent: WTF! I R teh l337 hx0r!
Juni: STFU!
Trent: N00B!
King: lol.
>the sirus system did the same thing that happened to the Nomads so doese
King: This fic is making me ‘doese’
>teams teamed up to distroy the Exact thing that holds the Sirus System togeter,
Juni: Blu-tack?
Trent: String?
Paulo: The Force?
>the core of it, The New York System
All: Oh.
Trent: Funny how a single system somehow single-handedly keeps an entire sector together.
>(3 Months Later)
King: (Author) Zzz…Huh! What! Oh sorry, I got so bored writing this I fell asleep.
>The Order (AN: 'Criminal' organisation that fights Nomads) Has Gotten Bored Since they had to wait
Trent: (Orillion (AN: Leader of the Order) in whiney kid voice) I don’t wanna wait! Gimme something to do!
>so most of them went in to check if the Nomads are doing good in there
Paulo: (Order Pilot) Hey Nomads, doing anything good? Not planning to conquer humanity I hope.
Juni: (Nomad) Of course not, just ignore the Battleship sneaking up behind you.
>because their scanners have picked up somthing unknown and weird then it looked
>like they where in a Jump Gate and then the next thing they know is alot of new
>ships, a Nomad Bomber, Someone Flying in space with a Yellow Arua Covering
>then Bang their in the Freelanceing World in the sky
Trent: Err…
King: If anyone could make sense of that last section, please tell us.
>Orillion Servived and went off to tell trent and the others
King: (Orillion) Trent! Good thing I found you! We’re under attack from Saiya-jins and some guys called Terrence!
Trent: (Trent) Bwhahahahahahaha! … Oh wait, you’re serious.
>Mission 1:
>You start with a Anubis (AN: Starfighter) because you are part of the order
Juni: (Customer) I’d like to order a Trent Supreme please.
Trent: (Waiter) Certainly ma’am, any Hakkera Fries with that?
>Oriilion Comes and tells Trent What Happened And The Mission /is To Find The
>Cloaked Planet to find the cloak Device
Paulo: Good thing that ‘Orillion’ had already told him, or he might not have believed him.
Trent: Wait…where did this cloaked planet come from?
King: The same place Jacobi’s kidnapping did; left field. (AN: A plot point from the game that seemed to appear from nowhere)
>Part One, Getting Blowen Off By Nomads
King: Sounds fun.
Juni: King!
King: What?
Juni: There may be kids reading this!
King: Bite me!
>Part two, Nomads Still Coming
>Part 3, To To trade Lane
>Part 4: Distroy the Nomad Fleet
>Part 5: Dock
All: (signing) I'm just sitting on the dock of the bay, wasting time…
>Mission 1 B:
>Part 1: Cloak
>Part 2: De Cloak And Fire Super Misspitos
Trent: (Salesman) That’s right! Misspitos! Guaranteed to NOT hit what you are aiming for!
Paulo: (Salesman) Buy now and get a discount on all Dodgssiles!
>Part 3: Blow Up The Nomad Base
>Par 4: Defend Juni
Trent: FORE!
King: I don’t think you’ll be able to score a hole-in-one there Trent.
Juni: Why do I feel I should be stabbing you for that?
>Trent told Orillion that he distroyed their super base but Orillion said they are more
>but you have to get stronger
Trent: (singing) The hours approaching, just give it your best, you got to reach your prime.
Juni: (singing) That’s when you need to put yourself to the test, and show us a passage of time.
Paulo: (singing) Were going to need a MONTAGE!
>Because They have a whole other system from that hole you made and they have
>gotten stronger since last time
Trent: How conveeeeeniiiieeeent.
>Then Trent Said So When is the next guy who will somehow come here and show
>me an artifact...
Juni: I thought I lost him when he ‘fell’ out of the airlock, but he’s just like a bad smell.
King: He keeps coming back?
Juni: No, he just has really bad BO.
Others: *groan*
>then sombody did have an artifact that had electisity and Red Arua around it
Trent: Another one! Why does everybody keep coming to me with these things, I’m not a freaking archaeologist!
>Mission 2:
>Orillion Wants Trent, Juni, and King to Come To Mannhation For a mission to
>distroy the Red Bomber and the fleet Shild Covering it
Paulo: (Red Bomber) If I can’t see you, you can’t see me!
>1: Run From The Saiya-jins
>2: Zap Their Heads Off
>3: Beat The Whole Terrence System Fleet
King: (Trent) With a name like that, they can’t win!
>4: Eat
>5: Use The Bathroom
Paulo: That reminds me…I think that’s our time for a break.
Trent: About time! *Tries to push past Juni*
Juni: Ah-ha! No you don’t! *The katana is now pointing at Trent’s stomach*
Trent: Okay! You first.
*They exit in reverse order*
“And now we’re talking like this again!” King shouts as he enters the room.
“Don’t worry about it,” Paulo mutters.
“That wasn’t so bad,” Juni chips in. She certainly seems happier than before.
“I’m glad I got all of you to help me. That might have made me insane if you hadn’t been here,” Trent says, sounding relieved.
“Wait…” Juni’s smile slowly becomes a frown, “you only brought us here to stop yourself going crazy…” She slowly walks towards Trent. “TALK ABOUT SELFISH!”
“Er…calm down dear, its only a commercial” Trent backs into a wall while saying this. Paulo turns to the camera.
“You heard him Cambot, roll commercials” As the image fades screams of pain can be heard in the background.
The greatest ships in the universe!
Perfect for the budding Freelancer!
Satisfaction or you money back, guaranteed!
(Not a guarantee)
Fading in, we see the room in ruins; the walls scorched black and smoke pouring from damaged consoles. Paulo and King peek over the top the table, the only thing still standing.
“Is it over,” King says quietly.
“I think so,” Paulo replies. A look of horror appears on his face when he looks left and he screams. “Ahhhhhhhh! Stay away!” Juni walks in from the left. However, she seems happy now.
“Don’t worry, I think I’ve vented my anger now,” she says with a grin. Trent walks in behind her, covered in bruises, his clothes ripped and half his hair and eyebrows burnt off.
“And not a moment to soon,” he groans, before coughing up a ball of string. Alarms and klaxons start with flashing lights throughout the satellite.
“No time to clean up, guys!” Paulo shouts, “we’ve got FANFIC SIGN!!”
Part two is forthcoming, but I want some comments first.