;009;: *wakes up and yawns* What a crappy night.. *sits up in bed and sees Crack sitting on a chair across the room*
;175;: Good morning, Silver.
;009;: *rubs eyes* Crack....What are you doing in here?
;175;: You agree with me, don't you?
;009;: Agree...on what?
;175;: What I am. You and I, we share the same feelings, dont we?
;009;: You don't mean like...
;175;: Of course not. What you view as natural selection, I view as a cleansing resolution.
;009;: Where are you even going with this?
;175;: Henry's dead and I would like to offer you the honor of being my new associate in my game, not Ray's.
Episode 12: Liars & Thieves
~Erika's Room~
;478;: I have gathered all of you here today for one reason and one reason only. Cut Crack off.
;065;: *searching all the walls of Erika's room for bugs*
;478;: I have personally given the each of you jobs, and while I do not mean to sound demanding, I would like the each of you to repeat what it is I have entitled.
;418;: My job is t' investergate Henry's room fo' any clues.
;325;: I will assist Briner in this endeavor.
;065;: *pulls a bug out of a lamp and smashes it* I'll continue to debug the house.
;135;: Uh, I am to stand by your side, Erika.
:552:: *sighs* You want me to break into Crack's room and rob her somehow.
;478;: Well, you are the master thief. And London, I'm afraid I have no use for a tag-along so if you could assist Felix, that'd be great.
;135;: No way in hell will I work with that lying scum.
:552:: I don't even know who I am anymore and you're trying to pressure me into this thievery!
;478;: *furrows brow, assuming that Froslass has an eyebrow* I'm afraid that your only other option is death and that's a redundant route that we don't want to walk down. My patience has been spent. You two need to kiss and make up, otherwise you'll hold us all back.
:552:: *sighs and looks at London*
;135;: Hmph. *looks away*
;478;: Now, Griffen. You haven't said a word.
:611:: ...
;478;: What are you gonna do?
:611:: Kill that motherfưcker.
;478;: Alright everyone, depart. Except for you, Griffen. I need to talk to you.
:611:: What do you want?
;478;: *slaps Griffen across the face* That's for leaving Iris to die.
:611:: But..
;478;: *slaps Griffen again* And that's for beating yourself up about it. You're turning your guilt into aggression, and mindless revenge won't amount to anything.
:611:: I honestly don't care. Crack is a monster, and she needs to be brought to justice.
;478;: Chaotic rage is not the way to go about this. We need to follow a plan.
:611:: A plan? You mean YOUR plan!
;478;: Who else has made any attempt to end this madness?
:611:: I see your point, but we don't need your plan, I have something better. Before Iris died, she invented a cloaking device. I'm going to go invisible and wait until Crack comes near, and then I will kill her.
;478;: That's reckless endangerment, I can't risk that falling into Crack's hands. Give the device to me.
:611:: No! You just want to control everyone!
;478;: That's because I HAVE TO! Alone, unsupervised and you people run amok and get killed off one by one. That's why I have to rise up and take control. Now give me the device before you go and do something incredibly stupid.
:611:: I'll destroy it before I put it in your hands.
~Henry's Room: Outside~
;418;: Who in the hell had the time to board this room up.
;325;: Don't matter to me, bud. I'm goin' through this wall. *smashes straight through the wall*
;418;: *walks in behind Joey* Sure seems like the place been cleaned up.
;325;: *checks drawers* Empty. Someone's gone and given this room the clean routine.
;418;: Then there ain't no thing to find.
;325;: Waste of time, then. *bounces onto Henry's bed and lays down*
;418;: ...What was that?
;325;: Hmm.. *bounces and hears a creak from the bed* I don't know, flip this sucker.
;418;: *flips the bed as Joey hops off*
;325;: Oh.....mah.......gawd.
;418;: Yee...haw.
;418; & ;325;: *stare at a massive amount of money hiding under the bed frame*
;009;: ..The pay?
;175;: Delightful.
;009;: All I'd have to do is follow your orders?
;175;: Indeed, ask few questions and follow the pattern and our business will strive.
;009;: See, I don't think I'm quite sold.
;175;: Well, I don't expect to have this conversation all day.
;009;: Sounds too redundant...and formulaic.
;175;: That's your problem, not mine.
~Steve's Room(Lab)~
;054;: *studying a book* Our formula should be easy to replicate.
;065;: Well obviously, we just need to retrieve more samples.
;478;: *enters the room* Formula? This sounds like something I should be informed.
;054;: *hides book* Yeah, formula for the corrosive material that we're gonna use on Crack's door.
;065;: *pulls out vial and hands it to Erika*
;478;: Excellent, come with me.
*the trio head off to Crack's room*
;065;: So, there's kind of a problem with the bugs in the house.
;054;: The cameras aswell, Ray could be watching us at any minute.
;478;: Then take care of them, that's a problem that should be solved.
;065;: It's not that simple, we'd have to clean the whole house out completely.
;054;: It could take- QUACK! -days.
;478;: Then we'll live with it. *reaches Crack's room and hands the vial to Quacks* Felix and London should be here any minute.
;054;: *smashes the vial on the door*
~Crack's Room~
:552:: *begins turning everything over* I'm afraid I can't find a thing.
;135;: Try harder. *takes a swig out of a flask*
:552:: The least you could do is be remotely helpful.
;135;: *looks under a pillow* Nothing. *takes another swig*
:552:: *smacks the flask out of London's hands* Be good for something other than everyone's burden!
;135;: ... *bends over to clean the grass up and notices a crack in the floor*
:552:: *looks under the bed for any clues*
;135;: *opens a misplaced floorboard* Whoa..
:552:: *turns and looks* A briefcase..?
;135;: *pulls a briefcase out and opens it*
:552:: *stares at the amount of money* Jackpot.
;175;: Make the decision, Silver. Join me or not.
;009;: I need some time to think it over..
;175;: 15 seconds.
;009;: I mean, there are a lot of things to factor in.
;175;: 10 seconds.
;009;: Like time...location..
;175;: 5.
;009;: What..
;175;: 4.
;009;: Happens..
;175;: 3.
;009;: After..
;175;: 2.
;009;: Everyone..
;175;: 1.
;009;: Dies?
;175;: 0.
;009;: Yes.
Vote who you want to give immunity to.
I've been super busy lately, mainly because of a film that I'm making for school so I can graduate and whatnot. I'll try to keep a weekly schedule of updating. To make up for the long wait, I may post a non-canon extra later.