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Myth of Sakura: Land of Cherry Blossums:


UnlimitedBlade Works
[/B][/B]Rated: PG: For possable language.
Note: This was created far before 4th Generation, before I knew Cherimu existed

Sakura Introduction:

A new land, a new frontier, undiscovered mysteries. A land isolated by Tall mountainous ranges to the North. All arround the Southern Coasts, Heavy Sea storms, feared, many of sailors. The land of Cherry Blossums has remained a legend to the outside worlds of Kanto, Shinto, Hoenn, and Johto. Geographically, Sakura lands, as the Legend dubbed it, exists somewhere Far West of Johto, and in between Shinto and Hoenn. Its climate is of a Coniferous forest Biome (Pine trees), that goes arround the 40 degree lines laditude. In other words, Winters are cold, and summers are medium. Snow exists everywhere in winter, but there is permafrost in the way north. The Ports are warm water, so shipping import/export, are easy to do; if they get by the many sea storms and whirlpools.

Besides the exterior of the Sakura Region, the interior is, what some would say 'paradise.' Fertile lands, Clear waters, the purist of people. The lands are covered with beautiful berries and flowers. There are only three cities that have Industrialization, huge technology. The rest is mostly country, farming. Sakura is a land where Pokemon and Human can coexist in peace; many pokemon are pets, or used for coordination, but there are a few that do the trainer bit, to see the max potential of it. Up to recent years, when this region was discovered not to be a sailor's myth, the official pokemon League decided to make this region part of the quest. With that a series of five super powerful gyms developed and the Elite four cam to exist. With that however, small organized Crime groups began to form.

Much like the other regions, the Sakura had Gym battles, the Elite Four, Pokemon Breeding, Coordinating, trainers, and even their own uniqueness.

You are a starting Trainer, Coordinator, Breeder, (Gym leaders are NPCs, but Player Created, and the creator is the only one who gets to advance/revise the Gym Leader). Your goal, like any other Adventure RPG, is to be the best at what you do, collect all the badges, all the ribbons, defeat the grand festival, or the Elite four. There is much room for creativity in this RPG, so there are endless possibilities.

NOTE: With Mirage Mew's permission, we are using his FakeDex starters. http://www.serebiiforums.com/showpost.php?p=4097784&postcount=1. If you want to add your own pokemon, into the dex then follow the sign up. If you want to create your own starter, go ahead, but Mirage Mew's starters are what the basic and most common starters are.


1.) When trying to catch a Pokemon, please be reasonable, you can't have unlimited Masterballs, and you cannot ultimatically run into a wild Charizard, per say. When you are new, you must stick with beginer type pokemon. Only begginers from this region start out with six pokeballs, if you are a travelling trainer, you can have great balls to ultra balls, but ultra balls are rare, and you already have a team of 2+.

2.) When issuing a challenge with another player, you must wait for a response. You can issue challenges with NPC players all you want, but real players offer more experiance, and such. Either use Net Battle, or PM a battle, or if the other player gives you permission to battle with only you being the writer, then go ahead.

3.) You cannot gain a level every battle, be reasonable. you can either have a reasonable gain, growth takes time, you cannot evolve in the beggining, unless you give a decent description.

4.) There are limited numbers of certain pokemon, like you cannnot catch a legendary pokemon if someone already has caught it. There are more then one Legendary pokemon However, but the top three, there are only one of them.

5.) No stealing other's pokemon, unless you are a goon, and can beat the trainer. When trying to steal, you must give an extremely descriptive post, and the other player must be notified. If you are sucessfull, the captured pokemon will not listen to you untill after a while.

6.) Gymleaders are NPCs, but can be controlled by their creatures in big steps. You can issue a challenge and fight the gym leader as an NPC, but if the fight is not up to the Gymleader's standards then you do not get your badge. If the Gymleader is being unfair, I will step in.

7.) Pokemon Centers also are shops in the region so you can buy things at there.

8.) SOMEONE'S PC is your town's PC. Your PC, can update, and customize your items/pokeballs as well.

9.) Please do not insult other player's actions, let the coleaders, or myself deal with them. This goes with the warning system, if a player gets four warnings they are out. The first warning is a nice tap on the back. The second warning is taking away a pokemon/making it delevel. The third one, is putting you in suspension, and the forth one is permanently banned. Warnings will be repeled for good behavior after a while.

10.) More rules will come as RPG developes.




The above one was done quick so I will edit the geography one later.


Gym leaders: (can have 2-10 gym trainers)

Daniel Foster(Pokemon type: Rock/Steel/Grey)(City/town: Mettle town)

Nick Riverstone(Pokemon type: Water)(City/town: Aquastone City)

Lucas Walters(Pokemon type: Fire)(City/town: Charcoal City)

Valentine(Pokemon type: Psychic)(City/town: Shinato City)

Emily Walker(Pokemon type: Steel)(City/town: Odin City)
Embki (Fan made pokemon)

Pokemon's name: Embki (Ember Kitten Pokemon)

Level: Evolves from Eevee with a Metalic Stone

Type1: Steel

Type2: Normal

Pokemon ability: Cold Heart-Does x2 damage if another Steel type pokemon is in play.

Pokedex Entry: Embki, is a rare evolution from Eevee, only those who are very wealthy can be seen with them. Embki, is valuable for it's solid-gold tail, that can be sold for a high price, in a store. Embki, however are not very much of seen, and so, they are rare.

Pokedex stats: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...ykat/Embki.jpg 5'8 in height, 100 ilbs in weight.

Elite 4: (NPCs)

Not created yet, either I will create, or some other member can.

Referee(Co leaders): (Max: 5)


Organized Groups: (Only 4 bad groups, as many goons, up to leaders to decide)


2nd command:

2nd command:

2nd command:

Am I missing anything? PM if am.

Character Profile:

Name: (Nothig cliche please)
Sex: (Male or Female, nothing inbetween)
Age: (Between 11-17(Gym leaders can be older)
Occupation: (from above)
Starting town: (Either a new one, or another from a differant region, state region if you come from afar)
Dream: (Your dream)
Personality: (Character's personality)(Two Paragraphs at least)
Biography: (About your character)(three paragraphs at least)
RPG Sample: (Only if asked.)(Optional)(Reckomended for newbs)
Other: (If something above was not covered)
Starter: (The starter pokemon of yours)

New Pokemon: In this RPG, you can let your imagination go wild, and create a new evolution, or a new pokemon. Can be unlimited ammount of new as long as it is undercontrol with ideas.

Pokemon's name:
Level/stage: (Beginer, 1st evolution, etc.)
Type1: (any type)(If a new type, explain the benefits and disadvantages)
Type2: (If it is a dual Element, then, post here)(Only one new type per pokemon)
Pokemon ability: (The ability of your pokemon)(If new, explain)
Pokemon Personality: (The personality, if a new one, explain what is is, the benefits?/Disadvantages?)
Pokedex Entry: (Description)
Move set: (Optional, moves would be like in the Anime, you onlIf you want to create a move set for your pokemon)

Enjoy the new RP


None, as of yet.

Gym leader Bios:

Name: Daniel Foster
Age: 14
Occupation: Gym Leader
Starting town: Mettle town.
Dream: To be the greasted trainer of Rock, Ground and Steel.
Biography: Daniel stands at about 5'6 and is average in build. He wears an orange cap on his head which covers his dark brown hair. He has dark brown eyes and wears a dark blue T shirt and occasionally a silvery grey jacket. He also has black track suit bottoms on and white trainers. He carries a bag around with him for carrying items around with him. Around his wrist he wears a metallic silver pokegear which also has a built in phone, map, pokenav and pokedex.

He is a very mentally strong person but not really a physicaly strong. That is why he trains mainly in rock steel and ground. His love came for these pokemon when he was 9. He was being beaten up by an older child until a geodude saved his life. He still has the geodude who is now a golem. He also has a steelix, onix and sandslash.

Name: Nick Riverstone
Age: 14
Occupation: Gym Leader
Starting town: Aquastone town
Dream: Best Water Trainer
Biography: Nick is pretty strong emotionally and physically. He's quite smart too. He preers water pokemon and loves art. Nick is generally caring and kind. Nick loves to make Secret Bases. Nick was given a feebas at age 9 and it evolved pretty quickly into a Milotic, and that Milotic was his best riend. It got him out of trouble a lot and won a lot of Nick's gym battles.

Nick is 6'1 and 142 lbs. Nick has brown eyes and brown hair. Nick wears a blue shirt and blue jeans, with a red and blue jacket. He has a milotic styled pokenav and phone.


Name: Lucas Walters
Age: 16
Occupation: Gym leader
Starting Town: Charcoal City
Dream: To catch and raise every fire pokemon in existence
Biography: Standing at 6'2 and 155 lbs Lucas is very athletic. All of the clothes he wears which include a red trucker hat tilted to the side, red basketball shorts, and a black t-shirt are fire proof. Lucas recieved his first pokemon from his father as a birthday gift. The pokemon was a growlithe. Lucas cherishes his pokemon and his father very much. When he was fourteen the original gymleader of Charcoal City retired and Lucas Signed up for the Position after defating all the trainers looking to become the Leader Lucas was awarded the gymleader position. After that Lucas let all of the Trainers that he beat stay there as gym trainers.


Name: Valentine
Age: 17
Occupation: Psychic Gym-Leader
Starting Town: Shinato City
Dream: To become the greatest female Trainer of the Psychic and Dark types.
Biography: Valentine is 6'04". She has waist-length brown hair, which has blonde streaks in. She also has blue eyes. She wears a black-and-white striped vest with an anchor on it and a black skirt. She also wears a Team Aqua bandana.

Valentine obtained the Gym through heritage, since it ran through the females in the family. She arose to the Gym Leader position's requirements, and soon began beating Trainers with ease. She soon made the Gym a Dark-type Gym. Now, she sits meditating, waiting for her next challenge.


Name: Emily Walker

Age: 12 (OMG a young gym leader?)

Personality: Emily, is very spiteful at times, and HATES loud noises, and little kids, she has a loving heart on the inside, but, wears a mask of hatred on the outside. Emily, can easlily become angered sometimes, but, due to the fact that Emily can be uite calm, and cool when not stressed, it makes her a good Gym Leader for older people.

Appearence: Outside, when she's not being the Gym Leader, Emily wears clothes, just like an ordinary kid would do. She wears a green T-Shirt, with brown trousers, with the numbers: "9" and "7" on the right leg. Emily, has cascuain skin, with brown eyes, and long brown hair, she also wears purple running shoes.

In the gym, Emily wears Denym-blue trousers, and she wears a black vest, with metallic armour on her chest. (Emily says that it's for endurance, and concentration.) She also wears a bandanna on her head, that's navy-blue, that her father gave to her. It bears the "Team Aqua" symbol. Making Emily look like as if she's working for Team Aqua.

Occupation: Gym Leader

Starting town: Odin City

Dream: To show that big gym leaders, can come in small packages.

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Under the sea
Name: Kai Atarashi
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Occupation: Starting Trainer
Starting Town: Mettle Town
Dream: Kai is uncertain of what he wants to be, like most children entering high school. He has a vague idea of liking the field of Pokemon, but he has not decided what specialty he would like to pursue.

Description: Kai stands at about 5'4'', shorter than many boys his age, with a lean figure, not very noticeable in a moving torrent of people. His hair was recently dyed a dirty blond with stripes of hazel running from the bangs to the roots, done so because the former obsidian was another similarity to his father he did not want. His bangs are parted in the favor of his left side, so the obscuration of his sharp, azure eyes are lessened to a minimum (though not completely avoided.) He wears a pure black shirt with an indigo stripe running across his chest, the ends tucked into his faded jeans. A comfortable ivory vest is thrown on his back, the sleeves of his shirt underneath slipping from the shoulders. For fashion rather than practical reasons, Kai likes to wear a cerulean belt and a pair of black gloves, the top ends of each finger socket cut off.

Personality: Kai's character is complicated, though best described as easily misunderstood. His manner of speech is sarcastic and sometimes plainly cold, not frightened of being hated for the truth. He does this for two main reasons; the different reactions he receives are amusing or otherwise interesting and he believes that if someone can see past (or persist against his) insults that they are bound to be a good person (or a jolly idiot, both he can tolerate.) In a way, his first impressions are a filter of sorts. The few people who see past his exterior find a boy who although has fine intentions and a warm heart, doesn't want to do it for the wrong person and doesn't want a person whose done something wrong to help him. Since he grew up rejecting his father's help, he became self-dependent and since after his parents' divorce, Kai's shielded his emotions. After all, he doesn't want to reveal such manipulative information to just anyone.

History: Kai was born into a family some would envy for. Some without perspective.
Son of a CEO giant and a popular singer, he had a luxurious life. Relished with the latest technology (xD The wheel), most popular clothing, exquisite dinning, and overall overzealous living condition. He even had a vast amount of media attention as a toddler while he was learning his first words that teenagers, even adults far older, would dream to be the center of. At the beginning of his life, he would admit that he loved it; being spoiled and allowed to act like a brat.

But his opinion changed as his parents began to fight each other constantly, arguing in front of Kai when he was ten and sometimes outright ignoring his needs. It led to a devastating divorce, where he watched, shocked, as his parents argued who would keep Kai, both wanting the other to keep him. It started out calmly, but it ended up as a heated battle of increasing volume. After that event, his positive opinions of his parents and everything they represented rolled over and dyed in his mind while he was laying in bed, restless from the memory. A night passed and his mother was gone, abandoning him and a smirking husband.

His father didn't seem to be at all phased by such a leave. In fact, he flourished from the publicity and to make things worse, his father acted sad during the camera recordings and grinned in the confinements of his own house. It made Kai feel sick to his stomach and was the initial trait of many that started a large loathing and despising of his father.

Life continued on, but Kai changed drastically. He tried to become a normal child by changing his living style and personal possessions. Instead of brand name clothes filling his closet, he wore rag and tag items from Kohl's. He traditionally used a limo complete with a chauffeur to arrive at the movies, something he broke when he decided to walk. He also took to doing task himself, developing a very independent personality where he could be as lazy as a pampered cat if he wished to be. His father disapproved and threatened for Kai to change his behavior (“outrageous rebellion” as his father put it), but Kai held fast to his resolve. The only thing that kept him from being disowned was that fact that it would reflect badly on his father's ability of parenting and thus hurt his reputation.

Other: None
Starter: Charmander
Name: Serenade Shine
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Occupation: Leader of group
Group Name: Team Nature
Starting town: (I make one up.) Foren City
Dream: Serenade wants to become the champion of the Sakura Region in 5 years and become a master chef.
Personality: Serenade is a happy upbeat person and loves newcomers. The only reason he likes them is to get a good laugh when they goof up in a battle. But strangley, someimes Serenade can be mysteriousley quiet and cold. Sometimes he'll even cus at you and walk off, but thats because of his bad childhood. But adie all that, Serenade can make friend with anyone, he loves being out side with nature. Thats his specialty too, he loves to use grass and water pokemon alot since they remind him of being out side.
History: When Serenade became of age to travel with pokemon (thats 11)he pleaded to his mother and father to get him a pokemon and let him go, but they refused. Serenade was determined to become a trainer, one night he snuck out of the house and stole money from his parents so he could afford a curise to littleroot town and get a pokemon. But his father caught him, and his mom and dad disowned him and put him in an orphanage in shinou. But that didn't stop him, he escaped the orphanage and ran away to Sakura Region and caught a naetoru and became a trainer. When he was 13 he was fighting an entense battle against thugs that were cutting down forsts,dumping toxin's into rivers, and hurting innocent pokemon. He managed to beat them, but them Teams Aqua, and Magma showed up and rescued them. From that moment on, Serenade vowed to create a group that promised to protect nature, and the world.

Other: His six pokemon are the ones in my sig.
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The Burnt Shadow

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
Looks fun...

Name: Crane Reyes
Age: 29
Occupation: Leader of group (Could I make one up?)
Starting town: (I'll make one up) Shinato City
Dream: To capture this mythical pokemon and use it against his former allies in the Kanto region.

Biography: Crane Reyes, a former elite in the Kanto region, he managed to take Lorelei's place and was an expert in using flying pokemon. He has not only proved to be one of the most powerful trainers in Kanto, but also one of the worst. He gained a lust for power and battle when he was defeated by the new champion of Kanto. Unable to accept this loss, he began to travel around the region searching for trainers to fight. He soon earned a title of being the most merciless and cold hearted trainer. This title meant a lot to him, making him feel more powerful. He knew that he was pushing the limits a bit, but he didn't really care, he vowed that he would keep fighting until he had defeated the champion who defeated him.

Soon he came face to face once more with the champion and instantly defeated him. Knowing that he had defeated the champion, he vowed to stop attacking trainers. As the times passed, it was calm, he eventually heard about the new region Sakura. One day while moving around, he stumbled across a type of conversation from the other three elites. It seems that they were discussing if they should or should not tell Crane that they planned with the champion to just let him win. Realizing that he had just defeated the champion because he didn't even try, Crane went into a burst of rage and marched up to the champion. He demanded an instant rematch, but the champion refused. But in the end he had no choice, because Crane had just unleashed his pokemon to take him down.

Soon the other elites heard an explosion from the Indigo Stadium, when they arrived, they saw six pokemon lying on the ground terribly beaten up and the champion sitting on the wall murdered. Crane faced his fellow elites with blood staining in his face and hands. His pokemon also had stains of blood. Crane gave an angered look at the Elites and said," You decieved me! Now you'll all die!" Crane unleashed his fury on the elites, but they eventually stopped him and revoked his title as an elite. He was supposed to be sent to prison for murder, but Crane swore that he would return and kill them all. Taking one small breath, he plunged himself into the ocean and was thrown away by the waves.

He was missing in action for three years and was soon considered as a legend. But Crane was actually in the region of Sakura, he was saved by a group of scientists who were working in the field one day. He was soon taken to a lab where he was healed. The scientists actually worked for a high company that collected energy from the earth. He was about to leave, but soon he heard that they were looking for a powerful mythical pokemon. Plus the company had a powerful group of officers to guard the project and any other of their affairs. Interested by this mythical pokemon, he decided to work as an officer and help find the mythical pokemon.

During his three year absence, he slowly developed from grunt to leader of the group. He soon set his priorities into finding ways to make things faster and taking out any enemies who tried to steal the project. He's also going to get rid of anyone who gets in his way of completeing this project, even though if it's a child or innocent trainer trying to do good. Once he has achieved the mythical pokemon, he will use it to destroy his fellow Elites.

Pokemon: Scizor, Eevee and Swellow

I'm still accepted in this, right?


UnlimitedBlade Works
You all are accepted accept Ultimate Scroomish, I am sorry but the Gym Leaders are already created from my last version.

Burnt Shadow you are still accepted.


UnlimitedBlade Works
yes, just rewrite your character sheet here, or make another one.


UnlimitedBlade Works
@US: Ok, Fine, but please name the pokemon, and how did you get them? It only talks about Naetoru. I would also prefer if your grass starter was at its second stage and not final, but w/e
@US: Ok, Fine, but please name the pokemon, and how did you get them? It only talks about Naetoru. I would also prefer if your grass starter was at its second stage and not final, but w/e

*sigh* here is my pokemon, age, personality,description.


Name: Eco

Species: Dodaitsou http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodaitosu

Age: 5

Description: The rim of his shell is harder than diamond, and the leaves on the tree are very lush and stay that way all the time.

Personality and general info: He likes to strategize alot, and find the enemy weak points then strike.
Name: Kabaji

species: fuwaraido http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuwaraido

age: 4

description: Kabaji is like most fuwaraido's except the little cloud on his head has a small lightning mark on it.

personality: Kabaji likes to toy with his opponent, he floats in front of them then teleports away, then strikes when they're weak.
Name: Mr. Frost

species: yukikaburi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yukikaburi


description: the snow on Mr.Frost is the purest white ever, and his wood on his legs are chestnut brown.

personality: He is very playfull and likes to make friends. When he fights its just a game to him.
species: Mime.Jr http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manene

name: none


decription: Mime.Jr's red nose is much darker than other pokemon.

personality: Mime.Jr is fun loving and optimistic, he doesn’t usually fight but when he does, he confuses enemies and makes them fight themselves.
name: Zeff

species: keikouo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keikouo

personality: Zeff is usualy shy and doesnt open up to much people unless she knows they're safe.

descritpion: the little circles on Zeff's tal are shaped like hearts


UnlimitedBlade Works
ok, US you are accepted.

Tenacious Nel

Long live the D!
Name: Nelson

Age: 12

Occupation: Pokemon Trainer

Starting Town: Fushia City

Dream: To become Sukura's number one trainer!

Biography: Nelson, or Nel (What everyone who knows him personally calls him), has also had tons of energy and vigor. A lot of the kids in Fushia City couldn't keep up with him when it came to play time.

One day, Nelson decides to go running around Fushia Woods where, after a full day of playing around, he stumbles up a batch of Oran Berries. Quick to pick them up, he hadn't realized that a group of Mankey believe this to be their territory. The enraged Mankey began to pounce on the poor child for stealing their grub.

Hearing his sobs, a wild Pichu strayed away from his pack to see what was going on. Seeing the young child being picked on by the irrate apes, the tiny rodent sent out a wild Thundershock, startling the Mankeys. The tiny Pichu had put so much into it's Thundershock that it had exhausted itself, passing out on the floor. Now, the Mankeys began to turn their rage on the tired Pichu. Having seen how the Pichu bravely came to his rescue, Nel knew he had to do something, so he picked up a rock and threw it at the pack. Having got their attention, he began to charge them, screaming a tiny war cry. This wild act of bravery scared the Mankey punks to their core, causing the group to flee in terror of the wild child. Scooping up the Pichu, he took one of the picked Oran Berries and fed it, causing the Pichu to immediately perk up. From then on, the two became inseperable.

Having reached an age where his family could finally let him go, Nelson packed his bag and began to set out on his Pokemon Journey with his pal Pikachu.

Description: Nelson stands at 5'4 and weighs in at about 130 lbs. roughly. He has both brown eyes and hair (Which bears resemblance to Gary's). He's outfitted with a sleeveless red hoody with a black pokeball image centered on the front of his hoody, as well as on the top of the hood. He wears a pair of black cargo pants with a pair red sneaks, as well as a black sweatband around his right wrist bearing, you guessed it, a pokeball image. His look is topped off with a grey backpack.

Current Pokemon:

Piku (Pikachu) (Male)
Lv 5
Type - Electric

Former Pokemon:

Piku (Pichu) (Male)
Type - Electric
Lost: When it evolved due to it's close bond with Nelson.


I take it I have to redo this.....

(questions: Are we using a different town? If so instead of Fushia can it be Vapor City?)

Name: Ashley
Occupation: trainer
Starting town: Vapor city (Or Fushia City if using old map)
Dream: To be a famous pokemon trainer, and travel to every pokemon region
Biography: When Ashley traveled to Pallet Town to get her beginer, she had told Oak about how she wanted to travel. Oak told her about an island that had just been discovered by one of his assistants. Oak asked Ashley if she wanted to research the island, and she accepted. So Ashley traveled back to Fushia city and took a verry long ferry ride to The Land of Cherry Blossums.
Ashley is an extremely smart girl, but she is SUPER weak and wimpy. She relizes on her squirtle and vulpix (that she caught while journeying back to Fushia) to pull her through. She is also very annoying and brags ALL the time. When shes not studying the Land of Cherry blossums or trying to when there badges she is on her phone talking to friends winning there badges in Kanto.
Ashley is 4' 11" She has short straight brown hair and light blue eyes.
Pokemon's name: Squirt, the Squirtle/ male
Level: 10
Type1: water
Pokemon's name: Ember, the Vulpix/ female
Type: fire
Of course Ashley will catch other pokemon from the region. Ashley is a begining trainer.
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Here it is:

Name: Cindy
Sex: Female
Age: 11
Occupation: Co-Ordinator

Starting town: Fushia City

Dream: To be the Worlds Top Co-Ordinator

Personality: Cindy is a very caring person overall. Any mention of a person in trouble, she is there to help or cheer the unfortanute soul up. As a Co-Ordinator, you can tell she is a very copetitive person. Most of the time, she takes it easy when she loses or is beaten by someone but other times if she is beaten by a person younger or less expierinced than herself, she can be extremley competitive and at some point lose all fear and go into a big rage. Although this is pretty rare for a nice person like herself, she at some point during her rages can beat up a person or even be very insulting. Normally she regrets this but sometimes she feels proud about her mixed personalitys.

Now with all of that sometimes comes sorrow. Her feelings are often hurt with remembance of her past which is the main reason why she is very competitive and inslting; so it dosent come back to her. But often,she realizes it dosent work and starts to cry...alot to say the least. Her mood swings often lead her into either trouble or a certain happiness. Under all of this though is a heart of giold which shines brightly on people whom she finds worthy or caring.

Biography: Cindy grew up on a poor, family hut in the outskirts of Fallarbor Town. There were two sides of the town: Fallarbor Hills, an all rich estate were anybody who had money lived there;even famous people were born there like Roxxane and Whitney. The other side was known as The Fall, a part of town where garbage, small circular huts for homes and all of the gangs hanged around there. It was a town where all the buildings where burned down, where drag races and violence happened. Cindy lived in a hut like evryone else, the size of a kitchen. Everyones clothes where raggy. If you had 2 rooms in your hut, you were rich in there opinion.

Nobody ever visited as it was too unpleasent but Cindy was able to cope with it. As she grew in that place, she began to see her true self and her love of pokemon. Mostly Spinda and Skarmory were abundant in the area. Then, Cindy grew more fond of them and even pokemon contests which were very popular with the girls in Fallarbor Hills and also with girls in The Fall. When she turned 8, her parents found a job in Fallarbor Hills as a shop keeper for a grocery shop which provided free food, instead of robbing from grocerys in there past and as a Gate Keeper for a Police Station. Before long, the income got higher and finally, the pay was so high that they could buy a house which later turned into a huge mansion. But with all the luxurys and such, comes vain. Soon, Cindys parents started to ignore her, and by then, started to leave her with a horrible, isulting, mean nanny and by a few months after this, she was gone and left Fallarbor Town to persue other things. Since she wanted a pokemon, she turned to Littleroot and found a dear friend: Ruby. She met him when his mother had asked her to stay with her until she found a home. When she met Ruby, she engaged conversation in Contests alomost immediately

After that day for a full year, she learned everything about pokemon contests from him, even what kind of pokemon to use. Then after a year when she turned eleven, she got her starter from Prof.Birch, a Torchic she called Blazers" and with that she started her journey with pokwmon. The deal got better when Rubys Delcatty had an egg which hatched into a Skitty Cindy named "Princess" after what her parents called her before they became millionares. It semed like heaven until the monthly magazine "Poke Week"came with an article, an astonishing one about the area in Fallarbor Town known as "Zeshi Hills" got burned down and no one survived. The death of her parents plus being ignored, and a pinch of a horrible life back then led her to be so insulting sometimes. Now she wants to participate in contests. She was going to do them in Hoeen until Ruby gave her 2 things

Description: To Rubys dislike, she was wearing a raggy pair of jeans, a blue t-shirt and white dirty sneakers before she came to Littleroot and then with the help of a simple sewing machine, he made her 3 outfits: One for a certain contest. Since she learned to sew also from Ruby, she can edit the outfits later on.

Cool: A simple pair of faded bell-bottom jeans, black boots, a black t-shirt with a torchic on it that said "Im chic"" to her despair and a black bandana sporting an orange and red bracelet signifying her Torchic

Cute: She wears a pink t-shirt with a lighter shade of pink belt around her waist instead of the belt loops, long jeans with a pink line on each side, black flip-flops and a pink bracelet signyfiying her Skitty.

She has piercing blue eyes with long blonde hair that covers her eyes sometimes if its windy. She isnt pretty tall only 4'11 but is okay with it as she is only eleven. She is always seen wearing a raggedy piece of denim around her neck because it reminds her of The Fall, her hometown and to remember how her parents died in the Falls fire when she started to live in Litleroot.


Blazers the Torchic Lv.10 Female
Description: Will be used in Cool Contests, and is a very vital part of the team, her first pokemon, she is ver happy and content, wearing a red scarf on her wing, and absolutely loves food made by Ruby especially his red pokeblocks. She loves her owner and herself always admiring the cool usage of her ember attacks.

Princess the Skitty L.9 Female
Description: Her cute pink skin,her happy personalitu makes it a big reason why she competes in cute contests. Her pink scarf tied like a tiara on her head she always has a good reason to be groomed since she plays so much with Blazers. She adores her owner and Ruby when he grooms her. Now Cindy is doing it and she likes it too.

If any editing is needed please notify me. I hope its okay.
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UnlimitedBlade Works
all accepted...But skitty girl, the towns are on the map, which I just saw was a broken link, will fix ASAP


UnlimitedBlade Works
yes, your sign up is ok, you are accepted

darkpkmn fan1

Well-Known Member
Is it posible for a gym leader to be upgraded to elite 4 or even become a Eveil group leader. Can he quit. Not that i want to. Just out of interest.


UnlimitedBlade Works
well yes, you can, also, if I did not make this clear, gym leaders are NPCs fused with real players, their origonal creators can control them, but a player can make up the battle with the leader, but the player must approve it. Also Drk Pokemonfan, you can as well, make a regular character sheet....