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N-Pod(Nintendo I-Pod)

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Life's a Beach.
Wouldnt this be the coolest. It would bring the 2 best electronics together
The apple I-pod and the Nintendo Ds and Ds lite

If nintendo did this i think i heard that you can store up to 6 giga bytes on a game card so that is a LOT

do you think this would be cool and if it went on the ds do you think their would be needed more features like wi fi downloads of music ect...

EmberStar the Blaziken

Kung-Pow Chicken
Maybe, however Nintendo shouldn't fall into fads.


What!? Steve Jobs getting his filthy, filthy hands on the DS!?

Not on my watch!


Hyper Coordinator
iPod sucks. Practically the same design all the time. Could get very annoying controls. And the sound it produces just is horrible.

In the other hand, I agree with the Nintendo DS being the best electronic.


Well, that's already possible (playing MP3 and videos), but you would have to resort to means that I can't cover on this boards. Get the means and Moonshell, and you're all set. However, I heard that it only supports crappy GBMovie format, so it's not that great.

But seriously, wouldn't that make DS just too much similar to... you know, PSP? Ouch.


Awaiting October.
Wouldnt this be the coolest. It would bring the 2 best electronics together
The apple I-pod and the Nintendo Ds and Ds lite

If nintendo did this i think i heard that you can store up to 6 giga bytes on a game card so that is a LOT

do you think this would be cool and if it went on the ds do you think their would be needed more features like wi fi downloads of music ect...
LOL yeah why would they do that???

Nintendo Focused on Gaming nd thats all it should do..

and iPod is great but fused with a DS i think not..

iPods and DS's look good together but should not be as one unit..


Hoenn Champion
I do not think that this would be such a great idea. They should be kept seperate, and Nintendo spends most of their time working on gaming, not fancy extra's (like the PSP).
6 Gigs on a DS cart? Dont' make me laugh. DVD disks only hold around 4, I believe. Not happening.

Plus, I agree with all of the above.


Flame Trainer
There's a nifty little toy called the Play-Yan that plays music and video, and it works with GBA and GBM too. There's and English-version variant, but I forgot what it's called.


There's a nifty little toy called the Play-Yan that plays music and video, and it works with GBA and GBM too. There's and English-version variant, but I forgot what it's called.
Nintendo have made/are making an mp3 player for the DS, which was to be released in Europe. But I haven't heard much about it after the first article that came out.
Anyway, an mp3 player in a DS is against Nintendo's morals. They don't force the price up if you want to get a console. They release the options separately, so if you want to actually get whatever it is that they're selling, you can just pick it up. It's more convenient for the people who don't want that feature.
I'm just gonna close this because it won't happen.
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