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Name Rater in PMD?


Well-Known Member
Is there a way to rename the pokemon in PMD?


fredfredburger yes!
no there isn't


Well-Known Member
darn. OK, I'll just restart my game.


. . .
darn. OK, I'll just restart my game.

Actually, if it's your starter or partner, you can find a Pokemon of the same species after you beat the game.

If it was a Pokemon you recruited, just tell them to leave and recruit a new one. (Unless if it's a legend.)


fredfredburger yes!
oh yeah that also but if you recruit a legend and say farewell can you find them again at their places? or are they gone forever?


Well-Known Member
I know you can rerecruit the Regis, at least; I said farwell to mine because I forgot to give it its nickname, "Ledge", and got him again easy. I don't know about the others, but they'd probably return to where you found them.