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I'm up to episode 5, and, by the way, what's with all the bugs? Mole crickets, ladybugs, and other creepy crawlies EVERYWHERE!!!!

Do you mean Naruto, or are we talking about something else entirely?

Would it go by the name Shadow Star in English?

yea that's the show. You also fall for that naruto narutaru confusion....
An anime that isn't named One Piece or Naruto?

Don't expect a lot of replies.

Anyways, you'll find out, and if you still don't understand it, I suggest sticking with One Piece and Naruto.

zonic the hedgehog

I'm up to episode 5, and, by the way, what's with all the bugs? Mole crickets, ladybugs, and other creepy crawlies EVERYWHERE!!!!

You've come to the right place, my friend. I'm am like, THE NUMBER ONE Narutaru fan on this board. :D

Huh, but I don't specifically remember insects playing anykind of role in the story... (however, dragons do)

I like how the dragons depicted in this anime/manga are not traditionally what we would call 'dragons', as they don't even look like dragons (more like oddly-shaped humanized creatures or stars).

However, I suggest being REALLY CAREFUL when you get to the last two episodes, 12 and 13. Expect to have those images burned in your mind, because it's a really unexpected ending (if you haven't read the manga already, anyway), and it'll just plain scare the living sh*t out of you if you aren't used to crap like that (it did to me oO).

Nice series, though. More people should watch it just to see how deceptive the mangaka made this series in the first place, and how everything unfolds very well at the very end of the manga (the ending to the anime wasn't finished, so it has a relatively crappy ending that leaves you wondering, "HUH?").

Watch the advertisement for the Narutaru English dub, and it'll show you just how this series can switch between being light-hearted and extremely graphic and serious:


This is why I love this series.

EDIT: I should also note that there are only two cons to the anime-

-not very good animation
-bad ending

Other than that, I see nothing wrong with the series. It's paced perfectly, and the voice acting is INCREDIBLE (since you could almost feel the pain of the characters a some points).

Oh, and if you like the anime, you MUST read the manga. It's much better, although the Dark Horse releases of Narutaru are a bit edited (especially in 6 and 7). Unfortunately, Dark Horse never translated past volume 7, so you're best off buying the rest of the manga from Sasugabooks and reading these summaries on the Animesuki forum:

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Too bad you are getting a permaban jimbob.

zonic the hedgehog

I got a PM from Alfonzo saying that you will get a permaban. So there!
Permanently banned. And you IP address will be blocked. Why not PM him and find out?
He is already getting permabanned.
And you might be getting a temp ban

zonic the hedgehog



An Original Trainer
>___> jimbob is gone