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Naruto #14: The #1 Hyperactive, Knucklehead Ninja Joins the Fight!

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Dub Title: The #1 Hyperactive, Knucklehead Ninja Joins the Fight!
Japanese Title: #1 at Surprising People, Naruto joins the Fight!
Airing at: 9:00 PM sharp on Toonami

Okay, there were 10 ice mirrors right? Can the ninja who calls himself a Knucklehead not succeed at the shattering of 10 (or how many there actually were) beautiful crystal ice mirrors made by the infamous "girly boy"? Or will Naruto actually break him...getting himself 70 years bad luck? Wait, does superstition even exist in the Land of Waves?! Or, what if that rule only applies to glass mirrors?

Okay, never mind about that, let's just discuss after it airs, right?


Fire boy
This was a great episode! The only bad thing about it was the long recap they did at the beginnin. It wasn't needed at all. When it first started I was afraid that they restarted back to episode 1. 0_0

Can't wait for next week's episode!
Yea, I found that recap REALY unnessacary. But, once we got past that, It was a great episode. Lets all hear it for naruto setting a new Teen Anime Dub standerd leaving so much blood in!

Yuugis Black Magician

Namaikina Imouto
You can't really call this a 'dub'. The proper term is TV Editted version.

I think the recap was there because of the fact that the Animé team did not want to eat up to much of the Naruto Manga, they must have been getting close to linking up with it or something so they wanted to give the Comic some time to get farther ahead.
the recap was long but wasn't a deal to me. What really got me annoyed was the narrator's voice. It was flat and dull as if he read it off the script with no effort. other than that, it was good.
Haruka's Swimsuit said:
Was it just me or did Naruto yell out "Believe it!" three or four times during this episode?
Thats still not his record, but it was about 3 i think


Once again this was badly dubbed.
I just want them to show the episode where Naruto uses the Kyuubi's chakra and desecrates Haku.


Strawberry Milk
That Scary Clefairy said:
the recap was long but wasn't a deal to me. What really got me annoyed was the narrator's voice. It was flat and dull as if he read it off the script with no effort. other than that, it was good.

Just for the record I belive Iruka Sensei did the narration.

The title just made me laugh. Using a quote from Kakashi was quite funny IMO. The recap to me was ok. I kinda missed the battle of Zabuza Vs. Kakashi so it was good for me to look back on it.


Hukuzo said:
Once again this was badly dubbed.
I just want them to show the episode where Naruto uses the Kyuubi's chakra and desecrates Haku.
How was it badly dubbed? You want them to skip an episode just to get to that episode and butcher the series? It was perfectly dubbed if you ask me. Although Iruka's narrative voice didn't really express any emotion.

And Naruto doesn't "desecrate" Haku (he's not going to "violate" him) [SPOIL]Haku will take a hit for Zabuza when Zabuza gets attacked by Kakashi[/SPOIL]. If you're going to give out spoilers, give out spoilers correctly. Jeez. @_@

This episode was good, it was hilarious when Naruto went inside the ice mirrors, ignoring Kakashi's obvious "attack from the outside" advice.


Hukuzo said:
Once again this was badly dubbed.
I just want them to show the episode where Naruto uses the Kyuubi's chakra and desecrates Haku.
How is it even once again badly dubbed? The episode is exactly like this. Good grief.


Team Rocket's rockin
Satoshi said:
This episode was good, it was hilarious when Naruto went inside the ice mirrors, ignoring Kakashi's obvious "attack from the outside" advice.
Yeah, I laughed hard at that.

I was afraid that this would be a flashback, what-happened-so-far episode, but they only started it with that. Although it did make the actual continuation of the story seem quite short. It's okay though.

I'm wondering now why Zabuza and Haku follow Gato's orders...


The Wi$e Prophet
Hukuzo said:
Once again this was badly dubbed.
I just want them to show the episode where Naruto uses the Kyuubi's chakra and desecrates Haku.

Why the hell would you say that?

At least give an explanation if you're going to say something like this...

This episode was great, despite the whole recap thing. Naruto going into the Ice Mirrors acting like he's saving sasuke is just hilarious. kakashi calling naruto an idiot was also pretty funny.


Old Coot
You guys think the recap was bad? Wait until later on in the series where we get to episodes with TONS of flashback in the middle or start of a fight and then show action for about two minutes and then the episode ends. >_>

Hell, you don't even wanna see the HUGE filler the anime's going through in Japan right now thanks to them catching up to the manga by showing a ton of two episode hour specials (stupid TV Tokyo).
Edward Elric said:
You guys think the recap was bad? Wait until later on in the series where we get to episodes with TONS of flashback in the middle or start of a fight and then show action for about two minutes and then the episode ends. >_>

Hell, you don't even wanna see the HUGE filler the anime's going through in Japan right now thanks to them catching up to the manga by showing a ton of two episode hour specials (stupid TV Tokyo).

the recap itself didn't bother me but the dub voice narrator did even ithough it was Iruka's voice actor


Edward Elric said:
You guys think the recap was bad? Wait until later on in the series where we get to episodes with TONS of flashback in the middle or start of a fight and then show action for about two minutes and then the episode ends. >_>

Hell, you don't even wanna see the HUGE filler the anime's going through in Japan right now thanks to them catching up to the manga by showing a ton of two episode hour specials (stupid TV Tokyo).

So true. I hope they have the special hour here.

I think that episode was okay, despite Naruto's "Believe it". I personaly like the Japanese version where mostly he says "Dattebayo". Speaking of it what does it mean? >_<

I just can't wait 'till next episode because [SPOIL]I think they reveal that Sasuke can use Sharingan.[/SPOIL] I don't see why Kakashi is just standing there, he could at least fight Zabuza.

So, meh it was an okay episode.


The dialogue is very different from the original version. Especially in the episode before this one where Inari's mother is suppose to say "If you touch him, I'll bite off my tongue and kill myself" or something like that and they had her say "Don't hurt him, I'll do anything". I know they're trying to appeal to a younger audience, but this is like changing a painting. Finally, Naruto doesn't say "BELIEVE IT" after every sentence and why is he the kid from The Oblongs?


Edward Elric said:
You guys think the recap was bad? Wait until later on in the series where we get to episodes with TONS of flashback in the middle or start of a fight and then show action for about two minutes and then the episode ends. >_>

Hell, you don't even wanna see the HUGE filler the anime's going through in Japan right now thanks to them catching up to the manga by showing a ton of two episode hour specials (stupid TV Tokyo).
I know! There's like three seasons of fillers!


Johto Champion
Hukuzo said:
The dialogue is very different from the original version. Especially in the episode before this one where Inari's mother is suppose to say "If you touch him, I'll bite off my tongue and kill myself" or something like that and they had her say "Don't hurt him, I'll do anything". I know they're trying to appeal to a younger audience, but this is like changing a painting. Finally, Naruto doesn't say "BELIEVE IT" after every sentence and why is he the kid from The Oblongs?

Listen kid... Naruto has a great dub, and anyone who doesn't think so is just ungrateful.

You can say whatever you want, but that's fact. And there's no way around it.

"UGH! Believe it is annoying!" Well guess what? So is Dattebayo!

sigh.... Some people are never pleased.


Old Coot
Hukuzo said:
The dialogue is very different from the original version. Especially in the episode before this one where Inari's mother is suppose to say "If you touch him, I'll bite off my tongue and kill myself" or something like that and they had her say "Don't hurt him, I'll do anything". I know they're trying to appeal to a younger audience, but this is like changing a painting. Finally, Naruto doesn't say "BELIEVE IT" after every sentence and why is he the kid from The Oblongs?
For someone who likes bragging about the Japanese version, you sure don't seem aware that Naruto shouts "Dattebayo!" after nearly every other sentence (which is ommited from fan subtitles, hence why people tend not to notice).

Inari's mother begging not to kill him isn't a big change of any kind and it fits the scene. It's not a completely out of nowhere line like you'll find in 4Kids' dubs. Deal with it. Obviously it doesn't seem to get into your head that a mother WOULD beg for MEN WITH SWORDS not to kill her son. ¬¬

As for "Da tteba yo" it has no exactly, literal meaning. It's a speech quirk of his, just like how Haruka in Pocket Monsters AG says "kamo" at the end of just about everything she says. If anything, it's similar to the speech of Son Goku from Dragon Ball. Both ended up growing up on their own and developed their own ways of speaking improperly.

Naruto will say either "da tteba yo" or "tteba yo." In the manner he says it, it's usually in either a rude manner. If anything, it emphasizes his phrases, sorta like adding "Ya got that?!" after a declaration of defeating an enemy to them. It's basically to reitarate what he previously said with more force.

So you'll have "Uruse! Uruse da tteba yo!" which means "Shut up! I said shut up!" Or "Hontou da tteba yo!" will mean "It's the truth, I tell you!"

As for how this applies with Son Goku, it wasn't enforced in the English dub and you can see a lot of it in the Japanese sub on the DVDs, but you'll see Goku tends to speak improperly or will shorter his words. Instead of saying "Aren't you?" he'll say "Ain'tcha?" Or like as he says before his fight as full powered Super Saiyan 4 against Yi Xing Long, he says "I ain't Shenlong" rather than "I'm not Shenlong." What's skipped out in the subs is his sometime mispronounciations of words in Japanese that can't be translated into mispronounciations in English. Like the term Juubai Kamehame-Ha, which means Times Ten Kamehame-Ha. Goku pronounces it as Juubei Kamehame-Ha, and a majority of Masako Nozawa's (Son Goku's Japanese voice actress) characters tend to have the same manner of speech.

So to summarize it, da tteba yo means absolutely nothing and really just gives feeling to something said. Same for tteba yo.
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