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Naruto Favorite Characters

Maito Gai.

Nobody is better.



Manyula Trainer
I have too many.

Shino, Kiba, Itachi, Rock Lee, Gai, Gaara and Neji just to name a few.
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Miss Kanna

Hakudoshi Addicted
Male ~ Kabuto,Itachi,and Zaku
Female ~ TenTen,Anko and Hinata

I have alot of other favs ^^;
There are a billion threads like this, i think... whatever, i think Shino is by far my favorite. however, Kisame runs a close second

Kecleon Freak

Legendary Pirate
Shikamaru, Shino, Gai, and Lee are my favorites.

lol, Dynamic Entry.
Hadin, Tobi, and Kakuzu. Tobi appearence remind me of The Question, who is a badass.


Chibi no Jutsu!!!!
1. Kakashi
2. Kiba
3. Naruto
4. Hinata
5. Shikamaru
6. Neji

They are in order in. All these people are awesome and cool!


7th Shichibukai
Rock Lee and Guy all the way!
May the power of Youth Explode!
Also Shikamaru. It's sad lately in the manga though for him.
Goin through a real rough time.

EmberStar the Blaziken

Kung-Pow Chicken
Shikamaru, just because he isn't afraid to show his thoughts on the situation, also because Shadows pwn wind anyday.


kugutsu no jutsu
kankurou, temari, deidara, hidan, tobi & rock lee are my favourites.


Marsh Trainer
1. Naruto Uzamaki << believe it!
2. Kakashi Hatake << the book
3. Haku << btw, I'm a boy
4. Might Guy << Dynamic entry!


Spikeshell Trainer
1. Naruto Uzamaki - Did anyone else feel sorry for Naruto when he fought Kiba and Hinata was talking about how much he suffers and how he hurts and how he only wants to recognised as a human being. Naruto is awesome and my N.0.1

2.Kakashi- Pure Awesome, i saw his showdown with imochimaru and just see him that wound up and angry was spine chilling. He's llike Goku and Vegeta fromDBZ all wrapped into 1.


1) Sasori - Bishounen!
2) Shikamaru - He's lazy, he's smart.
3) Deidara - He's awesome, un.
4) Neji - Fate, fate, fate, he's just awesome.
5) Itachi - Otouto you are weak, do you know why you're weak, it's because you lack hatred, love that line xD.
6) Kabuto - He's awesome in the first part, though he has feeling for Anbu.

1) Hinata - She's kawaii, Naruto x Hinata is love.
2) Anko - She's feisty!
3) Tenten - She's pretty, not much to say about her.
4) Sakura - She's okay, but only in the second part.


Natsu no Maboroshi
I think Kakashi is the best.

zonic the hedgehog

Deidara is THE best of the Akatsuki, don't deny it. :p

For other favorite characters, I'll say Tobi (because he's a good boy~), Shikamaru (if he keeps smoking he will become badass), Aoba (the only minor, MINOR character I like because of his amazing "DOOR NO JUTSU" and "OMG THERE ARE SOME F*CKING CROWS KILLING YOU NO JUTSU!" ), and finally... Gai (who has the best English voice actor).

BTW, for those who don't know who Deidara, Tobi, and Aoba are...~




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burn fire burn

the fire in me
my favorite is defenatly
any way for you kibe lovers here is a video
its him fighting the sound 4 members sakon ukon If you want the other parts just ask
(this only comes in english and japenise)