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Naruto fillers to end soon?


Let's Battle!
In the latest Naruto ending, we see a glimpse of his new clothes, either they are trying to **** with us, or it is gonna end soon.
http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/2567/snapshot20061017201139rn2.jpg <-- Loookie it ain't fake.
They could stop making random stories, and start making fillerish stories with Naruto's training, how the other ninja became Chunin, and Neji/Kankuro/Temari as Jonin, not to mention Gaara as Kage.

I hope the damn writer's end Part 1 of Naruto soon. -.-
This is almost as cold as this joke!


Natsu no Maboroshi

zonic the hedgehog

Yeah... old.

Anyway, I personally don't think the fillers are ending until at least December or January (Spring of 2007 is very possible), since the titles for episodes 208-209 are filler.

I suspect they'll get a new opening/ending for Part II after this one, or change both of them.

Wow, I think we'll be at the big 100th episode of consecutive fillers when that time comes...

(if it continues after that, I'll cry).
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Well-Known Member
I think it's going to end AFTER this season of Naruto.

You ever notice how in the intro they show clips/relating things to what happens around the end of the season it's in, or the beginning of the season after it.

Naruto looks kind of craptacular in the intro in my opinion, in comparison to the manga. He's still young in the intro it seems, just a little taller with new clothes


I am Erureido
*insert long and annoying laugh here* Yes, it'll end, but god knows when it will REALLY end....


Spikeshell Trainer
Naruto 02 In Manga Gonna be a series awesome!!!!

if you dont want a spoiler dont look far down ok....

He tells Sakuraabout the 9-Tailed Fox inside of him and Naruto grows and acts a lot more Mature and has got scroll moves now.

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
You could just put that in between [SPOIL][/SPOIL]

I think it's going to end AFTER this season of Naruto.

You ever notice how in the intro they show clips/relating things to what happens around the end of the season it's in, or the beginning of the season after it.

But there are no seasons in Naruto.
Naruto fillers end on episode 206. however, i think they are taking naruto off the air for a couple weeks beforehand
Naruto fillers end on episode 206. however, i think they are taking naruto off the air for a couple weeks beforehand

Episode 207: "The Ability Which is Sealed"

Episode 208: "Rare Vessel, The Weight of Beauties of Nature"

Episode 209: "The Enemy 'Shinobazu'"


Seriously, shut up if you don't know what you're talking about.
dude, i heard on dattebayo that the kakashi gaiden saga special was episode 206. there was an episode list of some sort, that said that after that 90 minute special the fillers would die.
Guess what?

They were wrong. These are official episode titles. Good job at posting false info.

Plus, I've already seen Episode 206.

"Genjutsu or reality? Those who control the five senses"

Does that sound like Kakashi Gaiden?


7th Shichibukai
Man Naruto fillers will live on for a long time! They're just showing that so they show the audience that they do know it exists, but they're still waiting for the right moment, when will that be...who knows?


Spikeshell Trainer
Naruto 2 COME ON!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
You could just put that in between [SPOIL][/SPOIL]

But there are no seasons in Naruto.

You obviously know what I mean, like the seperation of different opening and endings.


"Just kidding!"
Hopefully, the fillers DO end soon. However, at the same time, I do believe that Kishimoto still needs more time to develop the plot of Timeskip. Therefore, when the anime does show Timeskip, it won't surpass the manga too much.