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National Dex

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I tried searching the forums but... I couldn;t find the answer I am looking for. Now I know I need to beat the Elite 4 and have 60 pokemon in my Dex. So I did beat them and my Rival and... I have 98 Pokemon in my Dex. So... I talked to Oak etc.. and I do not have the National DEX!

How do you get it??? PLease!! :(


Insert Title Here
Did Oak give you the Ticket? If so...
On 3 Island, go in the cave with the guy digging, and exit through the other end. You should find a Dunsparce.


Nintendo freak said:
Did Oak give you the Ticket? If so...
On 3 Island, go in the cave with the guy digging, and exit through the other end. You should find a Dunsparce.

huh?? No ticket... AARRRGGGG!!! What gives???

So if I have more than 60-75 Pokemon I will NOT get the Pokedex? jeez... This suck major...

Any other ideas.. and NO i do not want to startover!!! :(

Magma Leader Maxie

Non caedor caedo
Don't start again! It could be you didn't complete the trip to One Island with Bill. If you didn't go with him after you beat Blaine, go to the Pokémon centre on Cinnabar Island. Talk to Bill there.

Having more than 60 Pokémon does NOT make a difference.


Magma Leader Maxie said:
Don't start again! It could be you didn't complete the trip to One Island with Bill. If you didn't go with him after you beat Blaine, go to the Pokémon centre on Cinnabar Island. Talk to Bill there.

Having more than 60 Pokémon does NOT make a difference.

Thank YOU SO MUCH!! That's right, I did not go to Island one. GREAT!! I'll get cracking on that then... :D


Actually, you need to have beaten the Champion. Also, Maxie was wrong. You do need 60 Pokemon.

Magma Leader Maxie

Non caedor caedo
S:C said:
Actually, you need to have beaten the Champion. Also, Maxie was wrong. You do need 60 Pokemon.

So you're telling me that having 61 Pokemon means you're not ever going to be able to get to the other Sevii islands? Come on...


Dude, I had close to 100 Pokemon in my dex when I got to that point. Don't give us any crap about not being able to have more than 60 Pokemon; that's BS and you know it, so quit yo jibba jabba!

Let's see what they have to say after beating Island 1; that's probably all it is.


Random said:
Dude, I had close to 100 Pokemon in my dex when I got to that point. Don't give us any crap about not being able to have more than 60 Pokemon; that's BS and you know it, so quit yo jibba jabba!

Let's see what they have to say after beating Island 1; that's probably all it is.

Yep, the number of Pokemon has nothing to do with it. I did the one Island trip with Bill and then talked to Oak again... and I got the National dex!

So, you HAVE to do the One island Trip to be able to get the National Dex...

Thanks for all the help!
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