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NBA Club

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I'm baaaaaack
Hey everyone! This is a club to the professional sport of Basketball. Here we will discuss upcoming games, players, make predictions, and so on.

All SPPf rules apply.

Just fill out this forum, and you can join.

What you would like to be called:
Favorite Team:
Favorite Player:
East or West?:

*This is just an odd thing of mine, where you pick a number, and it doesn't mean anything, but it will just go next to your name on the member list. cheesy, I know. No duplicating numbers. 8D

Members List

Owner: #12 SI (Sneasel Inferno)
Co-owner1: #17 Blazefan17
Co-owner2: #6 Blades
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is the best
I'll join!

Favorite Team: Pistons (home team)
Favorite Player: Lebron (cavaliers)
East or West?: East

doesn't matter what i'm called


Can I join?
fav team: Pistons
fav player: Tayshaun Prince(he's a lot like me, can go inside or outside)
East or West: East
Number: 6


I'm baaaaaack
Yay. Two east fans. You both are in. You both can be co-owners also.

First topic:

Who is winning the finals this year?


I'm baaaaaack
I think the Lakers or Spurs vs. the Cavaliers in the Finals, Cavaliers win.

ground tamer

What you would like to be called: GT
Favorite Team: Nets
Favorite Player: Dwanye Wade
East or West?: East
Number*: 11

I'll join!! I'm from NY but since the Knicks suck out loud, i'm a nets fan

Who is winning the finals this year?
Right now i like the Hornets chance's. They got Peja over the off-season and with the young talent that they have they should atleast make the playoffs
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