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Need A Little Help

Well I am getting ready to fight the Elite Four. Right Now I am still training but below I am going to list what I have, and I am wondering if you can list what I can change and what should I add. As of now I only have four pokemon in my team.

Gyarados - Jolly Nature - Level 35
1. Twsiter
2. Surf
3. Dragon Rage
4. Bite

Graveler - Brave Nature - Level 47
1. Strength
2. Rock Throw
3. Rollout
4. Earthquake

Venusaur - Careful Nature - Level 47
1. Razor Leaf
2. PoisonPowder
3. Cut
4. Vine Whip

Pidgeot - Adamant Nature - Level 47
1. Steel Wing
2. Fly
3. Gust
4. Wing Attack

Thanks in advance, also wheres a good place to train my Gyarados.



The Master...
Get a good elec
then psychic
then dark/psychic
then ice/water
then all of the above....


Well-Known Member
If you know someone who is willing to trade back and forth a Kadabra, then get yourself an Alakazam. With that, you should be able to easily beat Agatha and Bruno(except you'll also be needing a decent flying type and a grass or a water type to take out his Onix's.).

A decent water type like Vaporeon or Lapras is always good, as well as a decent electric type. Electabuzz or Raichu work great there(or if you're not to stingy with the legendary trio, use Zapdos).

note: at the very least have your team at around 50-55. This should at least enable you to beat Lorelei and Bruno.



Well-Known Member
okay, , lots of help needed, so here we go.

1. You need atleast 6 pokemon on your team.
2. Your pokemon need to atleast be in the mid 50's- mid 60's. A good place to train would be One Island
3. The basic movesets for your pokemon should be this.

Dragon Dance
Hidden Power Flying (filler, but hp flying is the best choice)

Golem (trade someone for to evolve him)
1. Explosion
2. Rock Throw -- Rock blast preferably
3. Double Edge
4. Earthquake

1. Leech Seed
2. Sleep Powder
3. Toxic (or sludge bomb, but i prefer toxic)
4. Giga Drain
Obviously the annoyer Venusaur, but is an incredible staller so you can heal your other pokemon.

1. Mirror Move
2. Aerial Ace
3. Feather Dance
4. Whirlwind (psuedo hazer)

For the rest of your team, i would suggest-
Electabuzz (if you play fire red)
1. Thunderbolt
2. Substitute
3. Focus Punch
4. Ice punch (for the ground and rock types that will kill him)


Raichu (if you play leaf green)
1. Thunder Bolt
2. Substitute
3. Focus Punch
4. Light Screen

Arcanine (fire red)
1. Extreme Speed
2. Flamethrower
3. Bite/Crunch (breed)
4. Roar/ Hidden Power ground

Magmar (leaf green option 1)
1. Flamethrower
2. Thunder punch
3. Confuse Ray
4. Psychic/ Protect

Ninetails (leaf green option 2)
1. Flamethrower
2. Confuse Ray
3. Willow Wisp
4. Double Team

The latter is probably the most annoying moveset i came up with in a long time.

Those are the pokemon i would suggest you use. Here's the thing though, Agatha is going to be hard for you, unless you switch out one of your pokemon for a psychic one. In which case, i would take out Golem, and put in a psychic type.

Alakazam (psychic type option 1)
1. Psychic
2. Calm Mind
3. Recover
4. Shadow Ball
basic set

Hypno (psychic option 2)
1. Psychic
2. Calm Mind
3. Hypnosis/ Thunder Wave
4. Rest/ Wish

there, now remember that all of the elite four have move sets to counter their weeknesses, (Lorelei's Lapras knows earthquake, Bruno's fighting pokemon know rock tomb, Agatha's pokemon know shadow ball and psychic, and Lance's pokemon know earthquake, thunder, and dragon moves. And gary, well, good luck with him.)

Hope that helps a little bit, and remember, the movesets should be balanced, so only have one type of move per pokemon. And mine are just samples, so be creative. Good luck with the elite 4.

The Mighty Wurmple

Well-Known Member
veunastios said:
Alakazam (psychic type option 1)
1. Psychic
2. Calm Mind
3. Recover
4. Shadow Ball
basic set

One thing. NEVER, and I mean NEVER give Alakazam Shadow Ball! It's attack stat is about a third or less than it's Special Attack!
Here's a set.

Alakazam w/ Leftovers
Modest/Timid (Modest preferred)
Ice Punch
Fire Punch/Calm Mind
Thunder Punch/Recover