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Need any shinies.



legit 10 ANIV Celebi level 70. (2x)
Shiny level 100 Deoxys (probably hacked)
Shiny Spinda (2x) level 50
Shiny Magneton (3x) level 34
Kyogre(Modest) level 70
Latios(Modest) level 40 NO MORE
Jirachic legit WISHMKR level 53 (2x)
Mewtwo(Rash) level 70 very good IVs on speed(29) and special attack(30) (2x)
Suicune(Bold) level 52
Zapdos(Modest) level 50
Moltres (2x) 1 Rash 1 Modest
Manaphy level 1
Mew level 41 (MYSTRY)
Latias(Relaxed) level 50
Rayquaza level 77 (Modest)
Rayquaza level 70 (Quiet)
Articuno(Bold) level 50
Shiny Latias(japanese) level 100
Ho-oh level 75 (Naive)
Groudon level 87 (Brave)
Phoine (2x)

Any shinies that I don't have. I'll accept japanese as well.
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lugia master
do you have shiny deoxys??


New Member
I have a shiny Illusuin (or however you spell it)


lugia master
lmao i was looking to trade it to you:p lmao do you have shiny absol??


lugia master
lmao can i only pick one form that list?? lmao or do you not want it?


lugia master
lol im interestd in like 3 you have there but cant choose lmao


lugia master
mewtwo celebi and suicune

Shadow Mew

Well-Known Member
i want latios and jirachi i offer these


Lapras lvl 100 calm
Cubone lvl 4 naughty
Bagon lvl 25 hasty
Meowth lvl 19 lax
Blaizakein lvl 39 modest
Swablu lvl 17 hardy
Eevee modest
Roselia lvl 90 rash
Golbat lvl 40 hasty
Lugia lvl 70 xd moves docile
Starly careful
Shinx 2 jolly
Rayquaza lvl 100 jolly hack
Mewtwo lvl 75 gental
*Dragonair lvl 99 Mild
Ponyta lvl 24 naughty
Palkia lvl 100 bold hack
Ho-oh lvl 70 docile


Shiny Hunter Supreme
I have Lvl 100 shiny Latias