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need chimchar


New Member
Hey guys I need a lvl 1-5 chimchar I have a turtwig and a piplup All I need is a chimchar please guys. I'll offer better for a shiny chimchar. Which I really don't think you can get.
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New Member
really thanks. When can you get on D/P wi-fi? I can only get on certain times. And we need to add eachother.
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New Member
of course.


New Member
By the way is your trainer's card in your sig the real one? Mine is.


New Member
Ok i've got an egg ready now..
Just give me whatever you feel like for it I have all the starters and quite alot others so it really doesnt matter.
I'll add you and go online with the egg now.


New Member
Um sorry my laptops down my one with wireless.


New Member
i've got some eggs lying around now.. so check the GTS for chimchars when y ouget the time.. I might be having a giveaway over there for **** like starlys and bidoofs


New Member
ok I will thanks. Wana be buddies? Plus I'll probaly be on at around 7:33 P.M serebii time.
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