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Need help classifying


Well-Known Member
I looked on the Serebii front page and it didn't tell me.

Is Thunderpunch and Ice Punch's damage based off of attack, or Sp attack?

I'm trying to see if I need to EV train my Hitmonchan with Sp Atk, or Just Atk. I'm going to make him the new Tony Jaa

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
In R/S/E/FR/LG it's based on Sp.Attack. In D/P it's based on Attack.


Well-Known Member
Damn it all, since my Hitmonchan has amazing Atk for its level, but its Sp. Atk sucks. So either wait until English DP comes out to abuse him well, or max Sp Atk and lose some Atk/Speed stats.

I think I'm gonna train him with Sp for now.

Thanks guys