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Need Help for 1st E4 stroke.!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I am now at the E4 but am having troubles getting bast the first girl
I need suggestions on where to train and movesets . thx current team:

Pikachu:Thundershock, Thunder, Thunderbolt, slam(replacing it with Iron tail)
lvl 44, hp 91, ATK 69, Def 37, SP ATK 70, SP DEF 45 SPEED 107, Rash

Dragonair:Slam, Leer, Blizzard, Surf,HP 113, ATK 86, DEF 73 SPATk 89 SPDEF74 SPEED 72 lvl 45

SCYTHER:Slash, swords dance, false swipe, cut, hp 141, atk 130, def 97, SPATK 67, SP Def 97, speed 101, BRAVE lvl 48

Charizard:Dragon Claw, Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Fly, hp 136, atk 92, def 86, sp atk 137, sp def 98, speed 120 lvl 48 MODEST

Zapdos:Thunderwave, Thudner, Detect, Drill Peck, HP 163, ATK 107, DEF 87, SPATK 140, SPDEF 121 SPEED 113 GENTLE lvl 50

ONIX:Dragonbreath, Double Edge, Strength, Earthquake, HP 91, ATK 46, DEF 160, SPATK39, SPDEF 60 , SPEED 73, lvl 47, MODEST(soon to be replaced by moltres or articuno)
I need help thanks!


Venus adept
first off please evolve pikachu it will help alot, you might want to leavle up some to, take articuno over moltres


Well-Known Member
ok, as much as i love pikachu.
1.)evolve pika
2.)lvl up, but check again, where?
3.)Articuno over onix.
4.) how does the team sound so far as far as moveset what should i fix? thx

Shiny Bashamo

Isn't it cute ^^
also I'd choose a total different moveset for pikachu/raichu because one thing I learned at this forum is to never use 2 of the same type moves on 1 pokemon.
so deffinatly not a pikachu with, thundershock, tunderbolt and thunder.
I think you should keep thunderbolt replace thunder or thundershock with double team and a filler.

second Why use Zapdos? you already have a electric pokémon with you. I'd choose Articuno like someone else said.

a place to level up is close, go to victory road.

that's all hope it helped



Well-Known Member
YEAH,thx onix is being replaced by articuno( who is he effective on????)
and I am definetaly evolving pika, just look at his stats(SUCKY)
thx, lvl 53 gott it, oh and geuss how many balls it took to catch zapdos???
1 ultra ball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
my closest psychic worth using is like lvl 30
lvl 63? no i have beat them with way lower lvls
i will do like 55 that way dragonair can evolve!


[Insert Wacky Title]
Wait till level 55. And Articuno is strong against Lance's dragon types, and Bruno's rock types.

Psychic is worth it, but not necessary since Bruno's fighting types are weak against Flying moves, where your Charizard works out just fine. To train Pikachu, Route 14 has some bird trainers that give 900-1000+ exp each, which is ideal to level up Dragonair, Pikachu, Articuno, and maybe Charizard. Simply use the VS Seeker as many times as you want.


Active Member
hey you should evolve ur dragonair at lvl 56 so it learns outrage if you evolve it lvl 55 it will learn out at lvl 60+ as a dragonite
and u should replace pikachu/raichu with zapdos coz zapdos is better and you cant evolve scyther! and also catch articuno and moltres and put in ur team ok

pm me if it works


Well-Known Member
Well make sure you put Articuno in your team, and you also need a Psychic Pokémon, like Bashamo said. You can beat Bruno's Pokémon easily with a Psychic Pokémon. But I defeated the Elite 4 with Articuno at Lv 50 and my others 5 Pokémon (Charizard;Raichu;Garyados;Pidgeot;Mr.Mime) were at Lv 45.

Walking Contradiction

Feed Us a Fetus
Elite4 can be pwned with Revives, Hyper Potions and level 45 Pokemon with stupid, all-offensive movesets. Just keep on trying!
dragon_trainer! said:
I am now at the E4 but am having troubles getting bast the first girl
Use your Thunderbolt. Bring out your Charizard against Jynx.


Powerplay Champion
Train a kadabra... trust me, it'll make brawly that much easier


Well-Known Member
yeah i now have kadabra, already raised him to lvl 45 and quickly rising:
current team:
Dragonite lvl 55
Raichu lvl 53
Charizard lvl 52
Articuno lvl 52
Zapdos lvl 52
Kadabra lvl 45(quickly rising!)
so what lvl should kadabra be before i challenge again>? what is strong on ghost again? i got through to lance this morning without a ton of training!


vicious opportunist
If I were you I'd consider using a good water type pokemon, maybe Starmie. You may also want to level up a little or you'll be fighting pokemon twenty levels higher than you by the time you get to the last match.

Edit: I just noticed your updated team. You should be able to get through the first time with those pokemon, just take some Revive and Full Restore.

Raichu and Zapdos could probably take out Lorelei, Kadabra and Zapdos should get rid of Bruno's fighting types (I still recommend a decent water type for his two Onix), Kadabra may beat Agatha by itself, Articuno, Raichu and Zapdos for Lance, and your team as a whole should be decently rounded enough to finish your rival.
Last edited:


i don't lose
oh gosh.

Pikachu- rash (or raichu)
Thunder Wave
Iron Tail
Brick Break/Quick Attack

unfortunately raichu doesn't have many options. try to get the whole team to about 55 and you'll be okay

Dragonair- quiet (evolve at 55!!)
Thunder Wave
Blizzard (ice beam is better but i'd understand if you wanted to save it)
Fire Blast

SCYTHER- brave
swords dance
wing attack

unfortunately brave is a bit sucky since it lowers speed, with agility you'll make up for it again.

Dragon Claw
Sunny Day
wing attack (STAB i guess)

Drill Peck

Articuno is your better option and a modest Onix won't do anything so i won't bother rating him. it's hard to get a good moveset for him in-game though

you actually need to get rid of a flyer somewhere on there though. zapdos, charizard and scyther all share weaknesses, so i would get something to cover that, and think about dropping one of them. but all in all not horrible.


Well-Known Member
dude, see updated team, oh and i am at lance right now, easy breezy sooo far. beat brunos onix like it was a mouse with dragonite!