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need help in pokemon crystal!!!!!!!!!!!

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;108; i have something need help!!
can anyone tell me what is the pokemon in the pokedex in pokemon crystal version between sudowood and venonet?????;216; ;303; ;209; ;037; ;201-?; ;100; ;230; ;rukario; ;353;


**_ IS FEMALE _**


My Heads Exploding!!
Wobbuffet. Don't Random smiley! -_-


Well-Known Member
shippo said:
how you get celebi? old even? GS or AR? japanese trade over to english, wat?

Unlike the 3rd Generation, the First and Second cannot trade between two games of different languages.


breathe, spit, walk
Unlike some other people, poring4896 has not learnt to spell properly and learnt how not to abuse smileys.
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