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Need help in ranger, last boss


Ultimate Marshtomp
This is what I did:

I used a Gengar for Raikou; waiting for the lighting beams to be gone then making Raiku stop with the ghosts.

Then with Suicune, I bolted him with Plusle at max power, but you first have to make sure that he has 2 clones and you know which one is himself so you can circle the right one and hopefully beat him.

Then for Entei, keep doing single circles around him so he has no more fireballs surrounding him, then I used Vaporeon to put him in a bubble so I could catch him.


I know this sounds dumb, but do you have any tips on capturing crawdaunt on the krokka tunnel mission?


I always use my partner,and then he cut cuts the capture line at one or two rings left

DS lite man

Well-Known Member
I used donphan for riacou(sp) gengar for suicune and vaporeon for entei


Ultimate Marshtomp
I always use my partner,and then he cut cuts the capture line at one or two rings left

Make sure that your power is maxed out, and draw rings faster then you usually do. That's all, I guess.

Oh, and how many power bars do you have for the Plusle/Minun assist?


PokeMon Professor
For the Gordor battle, I used a Donphan on Raikou immediately after the lightning stopped, and he was an easy catch (I didn't take any damage). For Suicune, I used a Grovyle assist, which got rid of his clones (Again, no damage). Entei was the hard one. I suggest waiting for him to get into the middle of the screen with no flame geysers nearby, hitting him with a bubble from a water-type, and circling like mad. Power circling will help you against all three of them, just make sure you're accurate, otherwise you're going to be in a world of hurt (well, maybe not you, but your styler will).


For Entei, make sure not to touch the flames around it, but circle around it AND the flames. Use Vaporeon, and if you're having trouble even then, immediately switch to a fighting type (after you get it in a bubble) that will halve the number of circles you have to make.

It's good to take both Raichu and Jolteon with you to recharge your styler.


I'm stuck in pokemon ranger, at Fiore temple, when you fight Gordor, when he has Entei, Raikou, and Suicune. Does anyone have advice or tips for me?

for Raikou i used a dophan
Suicune i used Groyvle
Entei after all his fire buddies that were floating around were gone i waited for when there were no fire pillars and then i used Minin's shock max power and then medicham

Pok'emon Master

Pokemon Master
I'm stuck in pokemon ranger, at Fiore temple, when you fight Gordor, when he has Entei, Raikou, and Suicune. Does anyone have advice or tips for me?

For Raikou I just used the stylus around it very fast it was to easy. =p
Suicune I used Minun
Entei I used Minun
