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Need help makin' babies

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I got a small breeding question I could never really find a straight answer for.
When you breed will the baby always be what the female was? or is their a percentige of getting the male pokemon as a baby like in a capture rate?


christian 4ever
thats all i know so if you want shiny it has to be female


La Melancolie Noir
I think the question really was:

If I breed a female Gyarados and a male Dragonite, will the baby be a Magikarp or Dratini?

It will be a Magikarp. The species of the Pokemon always comes from the mother, at the lowest stage possible. If the mother is a Raichu, the baby will be a Pichu, no matter who the father is. If the mother is a Miltank and the baby is a Tauros, the baby will be a Miltank.

*The only exception is if you breed a Ditto with a male Pokemon. In that case, the baby will be the same species as the male Pokemon. A baby Pokemon can never be a Ditto.


Well-Known Member
Also, Volbeat/Illumise and Nidoran male and female will be random.

So if you breed Volbeat and Illumise together for example, the hatched egg could be either of them.

Thanks for the info everyone. Hopefully I can get something from some breeds.

Oh, and kudos to squirtleboy *squirtle rocks*
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