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NEED HELP NOW: Shadow Tauros


Rev up those fryers
I am battling Cipher's Boss Greevil now as we speak. I captured Moltres, Exeggutor, and Rhydon, and he has Articuno and Zapdos out, his last two pokemon. I accidently knocked out Tauros. I know you can go back later and re-challenge him to get any of his pokemon you missed, but can I still do that if I defeat him? I need to know NOW because I'm afraid if I beat him I'll never get Tauros and Dragonite (because you need to have snagged every Shadow Pokemon).

Long Story Short: I'm battling Greevil, KO'd Tauros, if I DEFEAT him, can I still go back and capture Tauros later?


Palace Maven Spenser

if you lose, you won't keep anything you snagged and you'll have to do it all over again anyway.

just win and then come back.

green dragonite17

Agent under fire fan
also you can train up a bit get some parlyzing or sleeping moves get it down in red and catch it with a ultra Ball. (edit if you don't have a ulttra try a great ball if you don't have that then you're going to have a hard time)
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Greevil's shadow pokemon appear as umlimited times, so it never matter if you accidentaly knock them out