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need help really bad


i can't find kangashkan, ive looked in the safari zone for 8 days and i haven't found him

he is the only one i need to complete my national dex !!!
lol i find to many of them wqhen im looking for my chancey
they sometimes hang aroiund the the tall grass before you go into area 2 i think


I like pie.
check which zone it is in first. if you have this many headaches finding it, you'll die trying to catch it. it runs like a latios, even if you give it bait. you'd need like 4-5 baits just to get it to stay put long enough for 1 safari ball, but it will run before you get that many baits on it. just throw your safari ball, you'd have to be very lucky to get away with throwing rocks at it.
Its in the area after the first one to the right, 1% chance to find it and it runs alot


The Master...
or the lazy way get a gc and xd then snag the kangashkan the trade it to your game whatever it may be
thast what i did