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Need help to build a good team

Cipher Admin Seb

Beginning Trainer
I need help with EV Training and need help with training... AND building a good team, of course.

Tyranitar @ Leftovers - Bashful Nature (Neutral)
Dragon Dance
Rock Slide

Alakazam @ (No items) - Calm Nature (+SpAtk, -SpDef)
Calm Mind
Psybeam (a.k.a. filter)

Snorlax @ Leftovers - Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpAtk)
Shadow Ball

I'm training that tyranitar beast for D/P since Crunch will become a physical move (Viva la revolution! :)). Alakazam is a great Special Sweeper, but I'd need another Special Atk. move or something useful to replace that. For Snorlax, well I really don't know what to do. Curselax is popular, but will it still work into the 4th gen? I'd really need your help to build myself a good team. Here is what I ask you guys:

-Where would be the best places to boost EVs for each stats in my FR game (ex: HP: Caterpie in Viridian Forest) <-- I'm saying a good place thought xD

-The three Pokémons I've shown you are my best ones. I also got...

Houndoom L: 60 (Bold) w/ Flamethrower, Crunch, Faint Attack & Ember
Hypno L: 30 (Modest) w/ Psychic and some other moves I can't remember
Scyther L: 23 (Adamant) with some standar moves

By the way, I have never bothered train Hypno or Scyther.

-Pokémon. If I need to catch something, I'd like to know what nature would be preferable and where I could find that Pokémon. Also, I can breed so just tell me if I need to.

Thanks in advance.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Moving to RMT.

Pika Egg

Veteran newbie ^_^
Tyranitar - well, that set also works decently well in the 3rd gen, although the nature should be Naughty or Brave probably.

Alakazam - Modest nature and Fire Punch over Psybeam. Possibly another elemental punch over Recover. But keep in mind if you trade it over D/P, the punches are useless.

Snorlax - EQ is an option over Shadow Ball since Steel types are more common than Levitating Ghosts. Careful is an alternative for the nature. Curselax w/ EQ should work in th 4th gen btw, but not w/ Shadow Ball.


Tyranitar @ Leftovers - Adamant Nature
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Dragon Dance
Rock Slide

Alakazam @ Lum Berry - Modest Nature
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Spd / 252 SAtk

Calm Mind
Fire Punch/Shadow Ball
Recover/Thunderpunch/Ice Punch

Calm Nature boosts SDef and lowers Atk, fyi.
Elemental Punch for now, Shadow Ball for later.

Snorlax @ Leftovers - Careful Nature
EVs: 128 HP / 176 Atk / 136 Def / 68 SDef


Get a Gengar/Weezing for Fighting protection. Electabuzz can also be pretty awesome since it has an evolution.

Dunsparce - Three Island Port
Wooper - Ruin Valley (Surf) FR only

Paras -Mt. Moon B1

Tangela - Route 21

Sp. Attack
Gastly/Haunter - Pokemon Tower

Sp. Defense
Hoppip - Memorial Pillar
Tentacool - Surf almost anywhere

Diglett/Dugtrio - Diglett's Cave


I am the game
Your team is fine.



^Your advice isn’t really helping, thegameHHH. You should put more thought into them, because you are basically saying the same things that other people have said already.

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Tyranitar's EVs are more like 252 Atk / 168 Spd / 88 HP. Assuming you have perfect speed IVs of course, 168 Spd EVs gets 200 max speed on T-Tar. Feel free to take extra EVs from HP if you don't have a perfect speed IV. After two Dragon Dances T-Tar's speed will be at exactly 400, which will outspeed anything not named Ninjask, Electrode and Deoxys.

Ice Fang would be considerably more helpful over in D/P than Crunch, since things that resist both Rock Slide and Earthquake (Breloom, Flygon, Claydol) are all weak against ice attacks. And it gets a sweet boost from Dragon Dance, so why not? Stick to Crunch in Adv until D/P comes out anyway.


Well-Known Member
For EV training in Speed go Route 1 instead of Diglett's Cave. This is because you are normally EV training low level things from eggs, and half of the Digletts have Arena Trap, meaning you have to sit there and die without switching.

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Actually what he needs is a bulky water to help take physical hits, like Swampert or Milotic. Suicune and Vaporeon are good ones too. Go for Weezing so you can take physical hits better.