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Need Help With Annoyer


Well-Known Member
This is my team so far:

Ursaring@Choice Band
Jolly Nature
-Brick Break
-Aerial Ace

Modest Nature
-Ice Beam
-Psycick(I have a feeling this is spelled wrong)

Shuckle@Lax Incense
Impish Nature
-Double Team

I want something to replace Shuckle, he is destroyed by Crobat.


Well-Known Member
*Psychic ...

And .. you should use a team of 6.

But, for the team of 3 that you have, I would use Shuckle over most other annoyers because of its durability, since you do need a tank on your team. And, if this is for OU, Crobat isn't used very much, so I wouldn't really worry about it.


Alea iacta est.

Ludicolo @ Leftovers
Trait: Rain Dish
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Rain Dance
- Leech Seed
- Giga Drain
- Toxic
A nice tank would do this team wonders
Miltank @ Leftovers
Careful Nature (+Sp.Def, -Sp.Atk)
- Heal Bell
- Milk Drink
- Curse
- Body Slam/Return/Shadow Ball

I prefer Body Slam over Return/Shadow Ball.


Okay...Shuckle really shouldn't have any attacking moves. With a measly base Attack stat of 10, he's not going to do anything. Oh wait, you said you didn't want to use him. Good call, imo Shuckle is pretty useless, even if you "know how to use him." Go with BattlePikeKing140's Ludicolo set. Surf is a better option than Giga Drain, but if you don't like the redundancy of Water moves then Giga Drain is fine.

Actually, I have a feeling Metagross fits well into your team's third slot:

Adamant Nature
Trait: Clear Body
-Meteor Mash
-Shadow Ball/Sludge Bomb

And another good annoyer imo is Dusclops, although the dual Ghost and Dark weakness with Starmie isn't good:

Careful Nature
Trait: Pressure
-Shadow Ball
-Seismic Toss
-Pain Split


Well-Known Member
Rest/Sleep Talk would annoy me more than Pain Split/Seismic Toss.

Crypted Wolf

Well-Known Member
something to that can take a hit for the last slot.
Focus on Normal , Fly and mabye rock restance.