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Need some help with my Heracross


Well-Known Member
Heracross @ Focus Band
Naughty Nature


I dunno if I should keep this moveset... endure is not so useful once heracross is a bit slow...

Please if u have any suggestions post a reply

But green dragonite17, what about Endure once Heracross usually is not the fastest in the battlefield?
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Well-Known Member
Well, if your going with Endure/Reversal :

Heracross @ Salac Berry
Adamant Nature
-Swords Dance
I agree that brick break would be better than counter. Also reversal and endure is a really great combo if you have it holding a salac berry (I think its that one that raises speed at 1/3 health) in any colosseum or battle frontier type place. Otherwise the berry is used up.


Heracross @Salac Berry
Adamant Nature
EVs: 24 HP / 252 Atk / 232 Spd
-Swords Dance
-Rock Slide

Spd EVs let you outspeed Jolteon/Aerodactyl/Crobat after a Salac Boost. Rock Slide for everything resistant to Reversal

But green dragonite17, what about Endure once Heracross usually is not the fastest in the battlefield?
green dragonite doesn't know much about movesets so you shouldn't listen to him.


so adorable...
I personally prefer megahorn as it gets STAB and boost from swarm, but rock slide rocks (no pun intended) to cover flying weakness so its your choice


so adorable...
you could use the non endure reversal set

-swords dance
-brick break/earthquake
-rock slide


You can get Salac from Colloseum.
It boosts the user's Speed by 50% if the user is under 25% health.