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Need some help!


NidoKing Master
This may be going against the forums rules about cheating devices. But its not official about them. My question is how can you tell if you Pokemon is a legit Pokemon and not a one gained thru cheating devices?

I'm asking this cause I'm looking to trade with a friend, but I don't trust him to use legit devices.


I'm not completely sure as I've never personally encountered a hacked Pokemon...but I think you can tell by looking at the place where it was caught. For example, if you see a Ho-Oh that was supposedly caught in the Power Plant, you know it's hacked.

And I'm not even sure if hacked Pokemon can be traded in the first place. I think the trade fails if you attempt to trade one.


Well-Known Member
Its ok, I dont think its aginst the rules unless you say something like "0mg I
le1k L0000v3 th3 -insert cheating device-!?!?!?!?"
I have no idea, I dont usually trade with anyone I dont know, so its not really a problem with me... :p