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Scarlet Spyder

Well-Known Member
If anyone has a Tangela that would like to trade me, please say so.

I have:

If you're not interested in any of these, please state what you are and we can make a fair trade. Thanks

Trainer Black

Gym leader Black
i could give you a Tangela for your ditto if you can wait untill tommorw?

Trainer Black

Gym leader Black
i have to transfer it from my leaf green and i already transfered 6 today so i have to wait till tommorw.

Scarlet Spyder

Well-Known Member
Blah. Sorry, I do not have an Ekans available at the moment.
Misdreavus is a version exclusive if you're interested. I also have Lickitung


Who flung poo?
No thanks, I've got Missy and Lickitung. You wouldn't believe how hard it's been looking for an Ekans or Arbok.

Scarlet Spyder

Well-Known Member
Haha, well I looked in my Fire Red for that Ekans, but I ended up finding a Tangela that I can transfer. Sweet.

Trainer Black

Gym leader Black
well that means no ditto for me lol. oh well.