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need tutor/TM locations

Masta Q

I need the locations of the following Move tutors and TMs in RSE

Rock slide
shadow ball
giga drain
thunder bolt
seismic toss
ice beam
Hidden power

and what do i need to do to get HP to be flying?

please and thank you
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Substitute- Tutor in Lilycove department store
Earthquake-Aqua's hideout underwater
Rock Slide-Battle Frontier
Shadow Ball- Mt.Pyre
Giga Drain-go past Mt.Pyre and a lady gives it to you if you have a grass type with you
Thunderbolt-Complete New Mauville mission
Psychic-Game Corner
Seismic Toss-Battle Frontier
Ice Beam-Game Corner
Hidden Power-Slateport City
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What type Hidden Power is is based on IV's, which are determined at birth. So, in essence, you must either breed for HP Flying or be extremely lucky. For more information on IV's and Hidden Power, go here.


Back I guess??

Masta Q

thanks for all your help i need these moves for a tournament team actually (i tried it on NB and it seem ok for the most part) i think i might just use arial ace instead then.