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Need : Very Specific Pokemon ( Requires FireRed)

I am looking for a bold chansey with the moves counter , aromatherapy and stoss.

I'll trade a shiny deoxys + shiny Ho-oh for the Chansey. (should have above average iv's)
y don't you just go on the GTS get a chansey and breed it to your hearts desire to get what you want
dread - not possible because counter and stoss are taught by move tutors in firered. aramotherapy is by breeding only


Well-Known Member
will it work on leaf green?
cabman - it wont work in leafgreen cos roselia is firered exclusive.
but tell me if this works :-
teach the chansey - stoss and counter in leafgreen.
pal park to d/p. breed it with male roselia w/ aromatherapy.
will you get a chansey with the 3 moves ?


Well-Known Member
yes if its the right gender
and i have roselia so i should be able to do it ill get right on it


I'm Back? YAY!
If u dun get one, I could breed one for u.

The catch? It wont have "stoss".

Edit: However, u are lucky. As I have FR, and I will be more than happy to give u my stoss?

But u need to give me some time, but rest assured, you will get yr chansey....


I'll get on it right away.

Edit: i see you want one with Aromatheraphy also... Ok...No prob..I'll get on it right away.

And I am not competing with cabman..I feel this is a gd warm-up b4 I open my breeding center..
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how long will it take ?

also please try and get good iv's =) and bold nature as stated.
if you dont like the shinies i am offering , choose any two from the list below.

Charmander , Mime Jr , Buneary , Larvitar , Dratini , Torterra , Ampharos , Metagross , Hitmonchan , Torkoal , Swablu , Ryhorn , Riolu , Shuppet , Golbat , Gyarados , Eevee , Abra , Mew , Rayquaza , Palkia , Lugia , Latios , Latias , Treecko , Dialga , Kricketune , Fearow.
Xyron - i wouldnt mind getting one more. but i need good iv's. can do that ?
Edit :- Xyron - do you have a gengar in firered ?


Some guy
I dont think it would work if you bred it in PD because STOSS isn't a TM, egg move or level up move for Chansey in PD.
Will Give you chansey

I have a female chancy with a bold nature, I can breed you a chancy with aroma therapy and teach it the other two moves. I need a little time. Are you offering both pokemon, if so do you mind what you get for the other pokemon, I have a shiny rapidash?
Xyron - if you have a gengar in firered. teach it counter please =(. i am getting the chansey anyway.

otherside :- =( =(


Well-Known Member
so you dont want me to make one


I'm Back? YAY!
No..Sorry I traded it away last time during an event :(

But..I will start breeding Chansey right away..and there is one prob...

I'll be gone for a while... I'll be in India..but a cousin of mine will be using my account... In inda, I'll be trying to get yr Chansey perfect ivs so I'll get my cous to keep u posted ok?
xyron - sure , getting a perfect iv's one is great =). just send me a pm when you are done ( btw i am an Indian too )