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Neo Azelea Town

Lord Mewtwo

Advanced Human
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Well-Known Member
Too bad it didnt look like that in the game :p
Can you send me the basic stuff to making towns and citys and stuff like that?
nice very well done the rees are a lil' messed up at the bottom and you should take out the rocks in the middle of the forest i know they wre there in the gold & silver games but they just don't look good in the new gen. noting much else tosay maybe post more revamps of the towns
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Normal Coordinator
As upsy said, the trees are a little messed up in the bottom. Try to use the grid method, it makes maps look official, and I think is more satisfying. The entrance to Slowpoke Well should be different, because that doesn't look at all like it should...in my opinion at least.

Lord Mewtwo

Advanced Human
Yeah, I knew I messed up on a few things, I'll try making a much newer version. I'm strange, I don't see mistakes until someone points it out. I'll also try putting in people(and slopoke) in next time.


I Think your map is really good!
Could you send me the stuf you used to make it aswell?^^

Lord Mewtwo

Advanced Human
Well, actually, a lot I did by simply cutting out parts from different locations(ex. cutting out tree's and putting them on a new page on paint like a jigzaw puzzle). The things that were already done were the buildings. Just cut out trees and sections of grass. Of course you'll also need a map of the place you're building too. (sorry if you don't understand this. If you don't, PM me)

Lord Mewtwo

Advanced Human
I think the pic was too big, I'll try putting it in a different form.

The Others

Lost Member
Freakin' awesome Azelea Town. Wish they'd make a remake of G/S/C, and this jus shows how freakin' amazing that would be! :)
